Tuesday, December 14, 2010


I'm starting my last week of fall semester. This week is all about prepartions. I think in January it will be a very good time. Hardly, the truth is that it will be a challenge. However, I don't know how hard it is going to be. I have heard that it is very difficult and strenous. How am I to know what to expect though. The demand on my body, my mind, my spirit, and whatever else. I think this year has been a journey. Its been 6 months into this program. I have learned a lot, reviewed some, and also mastered some things. I think that whatever I do with my life I will have to be happy with it. Whether I'm making millions as a ceo or a gas pumper making hundreds. My point is that life will work itself out. I think xmas will be a big event in my loved ones life. I mean I think the whole xmas thing is silly. Historically, its just where people spend a lot of money on gifts and try to max their mastercards out in order to prove that they love someone. The truth is, love isnt any of those things. Love is a powerful thing, however, it should always be respected. And I just think that there should be no respect for buying things to prove you love someone. Give someone your time, your energy. I really am looking forward to the two weeks off. New years should be a great celebration. I havent even thought about what I will change in this new year. Maybe I will love more, maybe I wont. Who knows what a whole year can bring. Curiousity always works itself into our minds and we wonder if thier is something better for us out there. Could we have made a better decsion somewhere along the road. I think that the case is that if we had 2nd chances in life to do things over then I know we would fix them. In my last week of fall semester I'm confronted with the idea that a great big challenge comes in January. All the prayers of millions cannot change some things in life, or can they. One thought for the ages, or my parting words for this post is, will I achieve what I plan? I want to make the answer be a yes, but you never can be to sure...