Tuesday, August 7, 2012

8/7/2012 Test Day

Econ and Gov:

You are to look at as many classmates blogs as you can and summarize them.

For each student's blog you need to:

1. Write the dates of each post
2.  Summarize what the main idea of each post was about.
3. Do you agree or disagree with each post and why.
4. Once you have read at least 4 posts and done steps 1-3 for them, move on to another classmates blog in class.

Hint: you might have to ask your classmates what their blog is called so you can read them.

Monday, August 6, 2012

8/6/2012 Econ and Gov Blog questions

Econ 8/6/2012

Each response needs to answer the question completely and in a complete paragraph.

1. What is economics? Define macroeconomics and microeconomics.

2. When does economics knowledge come into play in our society? Can it be helpful for you, why or why not?

3. Who should learn about economics? Explain why?
4. How does economic knowledge change?

5. Why would anyone need to know what are current global economic condition is?
6. Explain inflation vs. deflation and who wins and losses when they occur?

7. Can you create a scenario with supply and demand within a business and explain it?

8. Why are taxes important, why is it important for us to spend?

9. Can you explain how each one of these concepts leads to the next and why, high prices, low demand, debt, bankruptcy, unemployment, low supply?

10. You must either choose A or B

A. Read two economic articles and summarize them.

B. Write a page about how much you have learned in economics and what you still want to learn.

      Gov 8/6/2012

Each response needs to answer the question completely and in a complete paragraph.

1. Go through all ten amendments and define them, explain what the mean, and create a scenario in the world where they would come into play.

2. What are the three branches of government? Explain who is in each branch and what they do?

3. Discuss checks and balances what they mean for our government?

4. What was the Great Compromise?

5. What are natural rights?

6. Without looking at the internet, how many presidents can you name?

7. Pick either A or B and answer.

A. Read two articles and summarize them. (make sure to cite where you got them).

B. Write a page reflection about all that you learned in Government.