Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Start of 4th after the long spring break

Today is April 10th and we had a long spring break.  Two full weeks which were very nice to finish up a few things.  One is that 3rd quarter is done, grades are done as well.  test scores were lower and the 3rd quarters grades were in fact, all lower than expected.  Thus, the entire social studies courses received a curved grading.  After looking at the past two quarters and looking at the curved grades.  They were right on par.  The units were more challenging, and thus the scores were all lower.  Personally, there is no good that come from from failing world religions when you have tried your best, learned a lot, and worked hard.  This, in my opinion, creates a resentment for social studies and history which I didn't want to foster.

The second completion was the "D" license coaching course.  A challenging course that I learned a tremendous amount.  Even if I get the results back and they are not as great as I would like.  I still learned so much about coaching and methods to improve practice sessions that will help the young players I coach immensely.  I feel like now I have more options for players and for the team to improve on problems or weaknesses that need to be fixed.  A great course that I would recommend.  If they do give me the national, then I would like to continue to go after the "C" which would be a great opportunity.

The other part that just finished was the indoor futsul tournament.  A glowing success, which ended up achieving a lot of things.  Making funds to help the players next year, enabling a senior to complete his senior project, and youth players having a blast before spring break.

I was very pleased with the 2 week break.  A lot more getting things done than others, but it was well needed and awesome.

The question now lurks.  What will I be doing in the summer and fall?  Hopefully, I can get the summer school teaching job again.  Possibly take the ESOL classes to fulfill the endorsement.  In the fall, I'm hoping to be at a school full time.  Crossing my fingers that this happens.

Over and out....Mr. Belzberg

Take a look at the Timbers pictures...wonderful time watching my first MLS game....