Monday, July 19, 2010

A few websites I found when I was googling my name are located below.

This link above talks about this guy named Allen Michael Belzberg Bell. It talks about his family and gives some information about him in a link. This website discusses this man in a family tree maker online. Its a family tree website where this guy and his family are located.

At this website, my name is mentioned, but there are hundreds of other names mentioned as well. The site discuss who supported Harry Reid in the 2010 senate race. One note is that my name isn't really located on here as one of the supporters, but my first name and my last name are so that is why this website popped up when I googled my name.

On the Pipl website, there was nothing that popped up when I was searching. However, one of my relatives came up. I was surprised at how much information you could find at this website, if you pay, then you can get very personal information. This sounds very concerning to me.

There was nothing that I would changed on the Internet about me. I have a facebook profile, but there isn't anything that is questionable on it. However, there are pictures of me with drinks at parties. Although I'm of age (23) they still could be considered questionable moral behavior. I might want to delete those pictures, but unless my boss tells me too. I won't worry about changing anything on facebook. If I was under 21 then I would really want to delete those pictures. If you read my blog, let me know if you think I should delete those pictures or not?

I do think that teachers should be held to a higher standard when it comes to morality. Teachers should be role models, thus they should act and behave professionally in and out of the classroom. A teacher who cannot behave correctly should not be in a field where children look up to them. Teachers as well as parents instill morals, values, and ideas. All teachers should be accountable in and outside of the classroom. But where the line is drawn is a very subjective definition. Is it OK for teachers to go out and get wasted on a Saturday night? I think it is as long as they don't break the law. Others would disagree with me. I do think it would be immoral to drive when your intoxicated, but some of our civil rights as citizens of this country tell us that if we don't break the law then we aren't doing anything wrong. With all that said, teachers are held to a higher standard and I think it is important to follow what the district tells us is acceptable behavior, if we want to keep our jobs.

Teachers speech should be held against them in a very light way. If a teacher has ideas about administration and about how other teachers are teaching then I think we have the 1st amendment right to discuss how we feel about those. On the other side though, the administration and other teachers might feel offended and want to see you get fired. Its a narrow line that teachers have to walk, what can we say, what we cannot say. As long as we are always accountable and have logic behind what we say then we should be fine.

"As we have become firmly rooted in the technology tools of the 21st century social networking has evolved to be an integral part of our reality." This fact in the article was the most real. I found this fact more than the others to really demonstrate how our students are going to think. They are going to be social networking and bouncing around the Internet. I think this is something we need to know and be aware of as teachers. This means that we need to be aware that students will look us up on the social networking websites and see any questionable comments or pictures that are there. Again, the high level of moral standards will have to be present in all aspects of our life, even our Internet social profiles.

I will definitely try to protect myself as best that I can. I will constantly be googling my name every few weeks to see what pops up. I don't want to miss a job opportunity just because there is a quote in my facebook profile that says I like to party. I will make sure that all that stuff is private and therefore I will be able to protect myself. This is a very important aspect for teachers to consider. We have to moral in and out of the classroom. Finally, this means that in cyberspace we have to be moral as well.


  1. I think it can be good and bad that nothing comes up when you Google yourself! On one hand, it is great that nothing questionable is available for anyone to scrutinize when and if they Google you, but on the other hand, if something AWESOME comes up, like how you volunteer saving baby seals or something, that would be something that could HELP you get a job. I think it is up to all adults to make sure that everything they do online that could be considered scandalous at all is private and that no student, parent, or administrator can find it. Great post!

  2. NOTHING comes up? What about soccer? I'm surprised nothing comes up for Linfield or anything. That's good, though. No one can find out about you. Unfortunately, tons of stuff comes up about me, and no one else has my name so it's all me! About Facebook, I try to delete every picture of me that has me drinking alcohol. I know I'm of age and everything, but I just don't want to take any chances at all. I totally agree about saying what we want to say as teachers, as long as there's logic behind it, and as long as we make sure we hang onto our personal moral standards when we do anything. As to Kristin's comment--maybe you SHOULD volunteer to save baby seals, and then make sure it gets posted on the internet, just so you look super amazing. ;)
