Wednesday, August 4, 2010

I will be addressing a few things, how I feel about using technology in the classroom where outside access is a problem, will I leave out the kids who don’t have access because I want to teach technology, and lastly how will I increase access for students who are at a disadvantage. Thanks for reading and leave comments.

I think using technology in schools are a main factor in educating our youth. Students need to have computers and be using technology. If they don’t then they are at disadvantage for college and the work place. In the first article “Social Justice - Choice or Necessity” a key segment is when the author says, “Even if an incoming freshmen is highly gifted, if he or she is not extremely familiar with using technology in the learning environment, that student is at a decided disadvantage the second he or she steps onto the university or college campus”.

I feel as though technology is crucial for success. The direct question is how do you feel about using technology in a classroom where outside access is a problem? I feel the answer is that students need to be made aware of cheap computers, free software, and community centers where computer use is free. I think the last part, libraries and community centers are where we can give technology to students who don’t have access in the outside. We need to fix outside access into a non-existent problem. We need to offer students access in different ways. I think we can accomplish this in the future. A library can give you, resources so that’s a great place to start, “Once you’ve gained access to technology, you need resources for using it effectively”.

I think we as teachers will be doing a great disservice if we don’t use technology just because a few people don’t have it. My heart would tell me otherwise. Meaning that it’s not fair to the students whose families don’t have enough money to support a computer and internet access. My educator part of me tells me that we have to use technology or are students will get behind in the mainstream education. When students get to college they need to have a background in computers. If a few students can’t manage to get access then we have to move on. I’m all for no child left behind, but we have to let the students who have access soar. I think we shouldn’t grade students on technology, but we should still teach it and the students who don’t have access can always go to the library and get help.

In the article, “Who Are Today’s Learners” the author presents the question, “As technology continues to evolve and we increasingly live, learn, and work within a ubiquitous participatory Web, what effect is this having our students from their perspective?” The answer is learning. Students are learning about the web and developing educationally through it. I think learning in today’s age encapsulates technology. I think we should engage students, in the second article students want, “Engage Us! First, students felt technology was an integral part of their lives. They ranked using computers and doing Internet research as the school activities they liked best, and doing worksheets as activities they liked least…” This is proof that students want to work with computers. We will find access for students who don’t have it through a couple of ways. Get cheaper older computers, buy cheap or free software, and lastly get students to go to libraries and community centers. I think the key is libraries; students need to use that free resource and use it well. In closing we will find access for students, it might just take a little creativity and logistics.

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