Saturday, December 29, 2012

Holiday Break 2012-2013

december comes to a close and january starts very soon.

as the new year starts and the second half of the scholl year nears i realize that im extremely lucky and blessed to have a job for the rest of the year.  even though im temporary, im having a great time and learning so much.  i hope im able to get a teaching job that is permanent and i get to stay at the same school long enough for kids to have kids and they will be in my class.

as i approach the end of the year i reflect on the hard work i have put in and knowing that i will need to put in even more effort to give these wonderful young minds the ability and skills to be successful and make huge gains.

i expect to make a huge impact on these great seventh graders and llok forward to working with them more.

to make a difference for the leaders of tomorrow is the reason, to help these young people choose harmony and peace over violence and hatred is a huge purpose for all us parents and teachers.

Sunday, December 16, 2012


This week at McLoughlin...

This week has been a very doleful week.  There has been two major shootings in the news around the country.  One in Portland at a mall.  The other in Newtown Connecticut.  A very harrowing one in Connecticut, 20 children die and 6 teacher and the mother and shooter dead.  A very surfeit of darkness in the world these last year. 

As the last week of school comes and then we head on into the new year we find that no student and no teacher is completely safe from malice to others.  I feel unhappy with the gun laws and think that there needs to be more restrictions on gun laws.  They should not let individuals get that kind of gun power legally. 

I do not know what to expect with the last week coming and the questions that are going to come from youthful curiosity.  I will try my best to offer the message that president alluding too tonight in his speech.

"Kindness can do no wrong" Barack Obama

Continue to love and be kind to others.  Always try to love each other and never forget that our earthly pursuits will all fall short and one day we will not be on this Earth.  We hope to do as much encouragment and spread as much love we can in our short existences.

I end tonight to say that we as teachers make the biggest impact and if all else fails, teach students to be kind and love one another in a caring and sensitive way.

--Michael Belzberg

Wednesday, December 5, 2012


Dear Blog,

It has been since the summer that I have last created an entry.  In the last half year a lot has changed and happened.  I have finished my first head coach soccer job and been rehired for another season.  Currently working full time on a temporary teaching assignment for the rest of the 2012-2013 year.  My goals are becoming a little more possible.  Still not achieved, but closer.

I'm hoping to continue to learn more.  I have just finished a 1 credit technology class.  I have also completed a English seminar which was very enjoyable.

Some bad news, failed 5 teacher exams, but failure isn't in the act of the low score, its in the refusing to try again.

I plan to take the test again and pass.

In the meantime,

Continue learning and finding out that I knew less before I started learning, and that the wisdom is not in the knowledge accumulation, but rather in the lesson: The more you know, the more you understand you know very little.

--Mr. Belzberg