Monday, March 25, 2013

3rd quarter wrap up...Mac 7th grade 2013

I have been very busy with coaching.  The "D" License course has been an eye opener for coaching the game of soccer.

The 3rd quarter ended last week on Friday March 22nd.  So far, I have taught 3 weeks into the 1st quarter, the entire 2nd quarter, and now just finishing the 3rd quarter.  We have 1 more quarter left.  School starts back up on April 8th and goes until the first week in June.

This has been a great year so far and so much has been underway and planned for this to be a successful 2013.

Soccer: 3 keeper camps and a indoor Fustul tournament.
Teaching: One Glogster 1 credit class, TCI class should be done by the end of summer, and I was made director of the SOCSS.

So many positive aspects this year and so much to be thankful for.

I'm looking forward to starting the Renaissance unit and wrapping up the year.  Hopefully teaching summer school and getting a permanent job lined up for the fall.


Until next time....

-Mr. Belzberg

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