Friday, April 27, 2012

Griffin Creek Elementary 4/27/2012

I was amazed at how smart many 3rd graders can be. The amount of knowledge and smarts some of those kids have. The students learn more and more everyday and are amazing to work with. I'm astonished every time I walk into a class and the students have grown and learned as much as they have in such a short time. I couldn't be more pleased with all the students and there improvements. A wonderful group of third graders who I'm excited to work with and see again. In the future I will be more brief and only say what needs to be said. BREVITY... Mr. Belzberg

hedrick middle school 4/26/2012

Today I was a science teacher, but ended up watching student power points about serious issues that are going on in the world. I was amazed at how great of a job many students had done on there power points. They accomplished an extrodinary feat in only two weeks. High expectations yield great results. I was very pleased with the effort of many teenagers. The other period I was in charge of computer science which is an amazing class and will benifit students immensely. Awesome day and I always enjoy seeing what kids are doing and accomplishing. Until next time, Mr. Belzberg

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Hedrick Middle School 4/23/2012

Today I was the librarian. I checked in books and checked out books. The one major lesson I learned was before I thought the books made the library the place that it is. In discovery, the students who read and learn in the library are what makes that place such an intellectual temple. I'm really hoping to be somewhere permanent soon. --Mr. Belzberg

Friday, April 20, 2012

Hedrick Middle School 4/19/2012

Teaching Special Ed Resource today. Small class sizes with classified help. I was astonished at how smart many of the students were. They cognitive abilities were not very far off from what regular ed classes were doing. Granted the small class sizes and extra help must be a leading cause for as to why that is. A group of students towards the end of the day were extremely interested in dinosaurs and dragons. They were so into it I was quiet and watched thier imaaginations soar. I was very pleased that they were so into something. Dragons and dinosaurs might not be math and science, but at least the students are motivated and excited about something. If a math teacher was to create a word problem with dragons in it that would definitely captivate thier interest. If a science teacher could talk about environments and ecosystems that dragons might have lived in, you know they would learn about those key terms and concepts. Have the student write a story about dragons. Whatever the students interest, the teacher can mix the content in. If I was working more with those students that is what I would do and I think many of the teachers have caught on around here. A great day and one behavioral issue. I had a student push another student during passing period becuase the student who got pushed touched the other students stuff. I don't think anyone was seriously hurt, It was not a great sight to see. I was informed later that day, the student who did the pushing was suspended for one thing or another. Tomorrow at Hedrick again and teaching science. Respatory systems are very important to know about when looking at living beings. --Mr. Belzberg

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Central Medford High School 4/18/2012

A great half day of senior english. One great thing happened today. A student came in and told us he had just finished his last assignment to graduate. He commented that the tip I gave him weeks ago helped him succeed. That felt great to hear and I couldn't have been happier with that. Teaching at its best....

The second aspect is while working in the class I devised a discipline policy. Basically how I will deal with behaviors and what the consequences will be. I plan on making a huge impact on the shifting not target behaviors to ones that are acceptable. A goal that requires effort and personal discipline.

--Mr. Belzberg

Mcloughlin Middle School 4/17/12

Learning how to make a difference is important and how to do it in a way that is fun is an even more of challenge. Sometimes its easier what's you get rolling.

The lesson today was about finding the main idea in text using a formula. Topic + Details/what is said about the topic + Purpose = Main Idea. Simple enough formula that requires concentration and effort. The one take away point I could take away is when teaching IROTCIM I could make a smaller lesson for each letter. Essientally creating unit on the reading stratigies. Give one day for pre-test and one day for post- test, also include one strategy a two lesson. A full ten would make a great unit.

Lots of great learning and oppurtunities to succeed and help others.

--Mr. Belzberg

Hedrick Middle School 4/13/12

An awesome day that ended with an interview with the North Medford athletic director. A possible coaching and teaching at the high school. I'm ecstatic! If this is where I end up for the next 30 years I would be extremely grateful. I can't wait to embark on an opportunity that will surely be the most challenging and rewarding experience I have under-taken. With support and determination I should be very effective.

Until next time

--Mr. Belzberg

Griffin Creek Elementary 4/12/12

A wonderful day. Griffin creek is away a blast. Im extremely lucky to have the opportunity to sub as much as I have. In reflection of today my hard work has really paid off when it has come to the effort I have put in. Students, teachers, and staff really get to see when an individual makes a great effort. I feel as though the old saying, you reap what you sow is true. Put in more and you will get more out. I was teaching for the second graders today and they were great. Very little but smart and potential is endless.

--Mr. Belzberg

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Central Medford High School 4/10/2012

How to understand why a student chooses to fail is difficult to accept as a teacher.

With that said it is so much more complicated than simply choosing to fail. I think poverty can impact a young persons ability to suceed. Choatic family life. Disabilities...

However, does that mean if the chips are stacked against them they will lose. A student who has to start playing cards with only ten dollars opposed to fifty dollars doesn't mean they will lose. The student with the disadvantage will have to be more concentrated, more focused, harder worker, more trying. They must because if they don't they will not have a chance. They cannot hold themselves to the same standard as the affluent. They must reach for the higher standard. I believe this to be true.

A half day at central left me with these thoughts. Its hard enough, an individual must give more and indulge less in order to have a chance.

Goodluck to all the students...may they never settle for less than their potential.

--Mr. Belzberg

Friday, April 6, 2012

Griffin Creek Elementary 4/6/2012

Third graders, but not the usual. A different group of third graders. This group was much better than I saw them in the fall. They are very social and have minor behavior issues. However, if they are not changed then those little issues will become major ones when they enter the secondary schools. I'm concerned with a few students who need more attention and encouragement, yet with such big class sizes how can a teacher will make a big enough impact. Worth mentioning is that the teacher of this group has done a fantastic job, if the teacher had half as many students the improvements and growth would be probably twice as great. As sad as it is to see class sizes enlarging it is also sad to see populations reaching 8 billion soon. They need more schools and more teachers which means more teachers. As a substitute looking for a full time position I would like to see more schools and more jobs. However, in order to accomplish that the state needs more funding which means more tax money that most families don't want to give. I cannot blame them, but in order for our youth to be successful and thrive in a difficult world they will need more attention and a better education.

Reduce class sizes would be my main issue with schools today.

What I'm very happy about it is it's Friday and that means no school for the weekend, but for me it doesn't matter becuase I have to work tomorrow as well. If I could get a summer teaching job and still work the farm it would be an awesome way for me to save. I'm looking forward to applying and doing interviews this spring. Maybe land a teaching job close to where I live. I'm full of enthusiasm for teaching and I'm ready to begin working with same school and students on an every day basis. If its in the cards then it will happen.

I will keep my head up!

--Mr. Belzberg

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Griffin Creek Elementary 4/4/12

Today was the first day back teaching the same third graders I worked with before spring break. I know these young people and they know me. I enjoyed teaching them today and was bummed it was for so short a time. Hopefully I can get a longer sub gig or get a actual contract. Getting to be in the classroom is an opportunity that cannot be over looked. Every time I walk in a class I have to make sure to think first, what do these students need. Secondly what are they interested in. Lastly how can I teach with enthusiasm that links the students interest and needs with the content.

A difficult task ahead.

--Mr. Belzberg

Central Medford High School 4/2/12

The first day back after spring break and I couldn't be happier to be coming back to work. Social studies is always my subject of choice and I was able to teach. I showed the students irotcim while using Vietnam as content. The other two periods were spent doing posters about corporations. I enjoyed this day and I thought that it was difficult to really make a huge impact in a day. When the day comes where I get to have my own classroom I will be given the opportunity to really get to know the students and really teach some great concepts and skills. Until next time

--Mr. Belzberg

Griffin Creek Elementary 3/23/12

The last day of teaching the third graders for the three week long term substitute job was today. I was blown away by how smart the students demonstrated. They performed with there best efforts on tests and all that was asked. Behavior seemed to trickle down as the days got closer to spring break. It was extremely pleasing to teach that group and I'm excited to check in on that group.

--Mr. Belzberg