Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Mcloughlin Middle School 4/17/12

Learning how to make a difference is important and how to do it in a way that is fun is an even more of challenge. Sometimes its easier what's you get rolling.

The lesson today was about finding the main idea in text using a formula. Topic + Details/what is said about the topic + Purpose = Main Idea. Simple enough formula that requires concentration and effort. The one take away point I could take away is when teaching IROTCIM I could make a smaller lesson for each letter. Essientally creating unit on the reading stratigies. Give one day for pre-test and one day for post- test, also include one strategy a two lesson. A full ten would make a great unit.

Lots of great learning and oppurtunities to succeed and help others.

--Mr. Belzberg

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