Monday, January 28, 2013

January 28 2013 Mac 7th

what a first day back from the long weekend.  i was rudely awakened to the fact that im really struggling in soccer and teaching.  almost to think that im not very good at this.  then i think back to how i was able to grow and learn in the first place and it required me to feell this same way.  i first started out confident then realized that i wasnt doing a great job and then got better again.  now im seeing myself really struggle.  however, if i can bounce back i will really grow.  learning can be tough and challenging.  what makes us great is our ability to get back up and try again.  its easy to do what is comfortable, you must challenge yourself to grow and get better.  its a process yet i feel like i only notice the down feelings.  i wont notice much when everything is simple and easy.  

im looking forward to a lot and need to remember to take it day by day with the big goals still in line.  confidence is important and i believe i will find my rythym again.

we struggle and then things will get better...

Friday, January 18, 2013

1/18/2013 Mac 7th grade

Today is Friday which means that there is a weekend and a even longer break with a holiday on Monday.  I have been having a great time teaching this year, so far.  Of course this is my first actual year teaching and there are many challenges.  Burned out teachers dragging, administrators being there when you don't want them to be, and when you do want them they are not there.  Many, many challenges.  However, this is one of the most awesome opportunities I have ever had.  With coaching soccer at a local high school and teaching 7th grade social studies.  The goal set many years back, is on track.

I hope to gain enough respect and a reputation that I'm permanently hired at one of the schools in the area.  I'm going to continue to give my best effort every day and not cease to work until it is finished.  The greatest part about teaching is there is never a dull moment, or a boring moment.  There is always aspects of the craft that need to be worked out.  I'm loving many of the kids.  They are wonderful.

With all the positive there are of course some negative.  Such being, trying to get along with every student and making sure that all the students are working hard and learning.  My management is challenged on a daily basis.  My rigorous academics and high expectations come more naturally to me.  The management piece is at times is very arduous.

With each passing day I learn more and gain more insight into the greatest profession of all.

"The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet" -Aristotle.

--Mr. Belzberg 

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Start of the new year 2013 at Mac

Tomorrow starts the first day of the New Year of 2013 in school.  Many people make new year resolutions and what they want to achieve, change, or improve in the coming year.  Many choose exercise, still some choose mental goals such as read 10 more books than last year.  Still others try to improve their spirtual self.  I will mediate or pray for 20 minutes everyday. 

Whatever the goals that are set, and whether they are reached or not, are they not what is great about existing.  The stiving to be better or go farther each day.  The only problem I observe is many people give up or tend to forget their commitments. 

If I can state one resolution for this upcoming year, it would be to impact more students lives in a kind way.  I hope that when June rolls around the students I have worked with, leave with the thoughts and words of kindness to others and themselves.  The most painful part of learning is making mistakes and many of the most painful mistakes I have made this year have been making decisions or actions without kindness. 

I will hope for the best and look to value in each student as this new year comes and I encourage all humans to treat others with kindness....