Friday, January 18, 2013

1/18/2013 Mac 7th grade

Today is Friday which means that there is a weekend and a even longer break with a holiday on Monday.  I have been having a great time teaching this year, so far.  Of course this is my first actual year teaching and there are many challenges.  Burned out teachers dragging, administrators being there when you don't want them to be, and when you do want them they are not there.  Many, many challenges.  However, this is one of the most awesome opportunities I have ever had.  With coaching soccer at a local high school and teaching 7th grade social studies.  The goal set many years back, is on track.

I hope to gain enough respect and a reputation that I'm permanently hired at one of the schools in the area.  I'm going to continue to give my best effort every day and not cease to work until it is finished.  The greatest part about teaching is there is never a dull moment, or a boring moment.  There is always aspects of the craft that need to be worked out.  I'm loving many of the kids.  They are wonderful.

With all the positive there are of course some negative.  Such being, trying to get along with every student and making sure that all the students are working hard and learning.  My management is challenged on a daily basis.  My rigorous academics and high expectations come more naturally to me.  The management piece is at times is very arduous.

With each passing day I learn more and gain more insight into the greatest profession of all.

"The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet" -Aristotle.

--Mr. Belzberg 

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