Saturday, June 1, 2013

Mac 7th - End of May - June 1st

There is only 6 days of school left and this will be my first year completed.  The learning that has taken place is one that has surpassed my expectations.  I have done as much as I have been asked and more.  Arriving at 6:30 AM and leaving around 4:15 PM on a daily basis has given me the ability to make a bigger impact.  This school year has been a huge success.

Completing so much in such a short amount of time is something to be proud and happy about.  Yet, I have the challenge now of out-doing and out-performing last years efforts.  With a fiance and new home this will require more focus and effort to accomplish what needs to be done for these young people.

The students have inspired in so many ways and given me more lessons than I could ever ask.  They have enlightened me and gain my care and love within a short amount of time.

I'm hopeful that this group doesn't leave my memory to soon and that they all go on to college and make the world a better place whether large or small and that they remember the small lessons as well as the big ones that helped shape them into great people.

"It is not ignorance, but knowledge that is mother of wonder" --Joseph Wood Krutch

Never stop learning and chasing knowledge!

-Mr. Belzberg....

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