Sunday, June 9, 2013

June 9th 2013 Two Days Left....

Dear Mr. Belzberg,

Don't forget how far you have come and how far you will go.  Remember hope lies in the essence of the stars and trusting faith.  As you grow old and become a better teacher and are able to remain positive under any conversation or circumstance that is when you become distinguished.  Don't forget you loves you and who has helped and supported you through each challenge and problem you had to solve.  Never fail to be thankful to the ones who have given your respect and a chance even though you may have not deserved it.  When you read this, don't think about the where you are in the present day.  Go back to the state of mind where you were when you finished your first year teaching and Mac Middle school and you struggled and learned so very much.  Go back to this day when you had the opportunity to fulfill a quest and ambition that started with a personal volition many years prior.  Be proud of who you are and what you have learned and be sensitive and have open ears with what you will learn.


--The teacher who is excited to help young people achieve their goals.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Mac 7th - End of May - June 1st

There is only 6 days of school left and this will be my first year completed.  The learning that has taken place is one that has surpassed my expectations.  I have done as much as I have been asked and more.  Arriving at 6:30 AM and leaving around 4:15 PM on a daily basis has given me the ability to make a bigger impact.  This school year has been a huge success.

Completing so much in such a short amount of time is something to be proud and happy about.  Yet, I have the challenge now of out-doing and out-performing last years efforts.  With a fiance and new home this will require more focus and effort to accomplish what needs to be done for these young people.

The students have inspired in so many ways and given me more lessons than I could ever ask.  They have enlightened me and gain my care and love within a short amount of time.

I'm hopeful that this group doesn't leave my memory to soon and that they all go on to college and make the world a better place whether large or small and that they remember the small lessons as well as the big ones that helped shape them into great people.

"It is not ignorance, but knowledge that is mother of wonder" --Joseph Wood Krutch

Never stop learning and chasing knowledge!

-Mr. Belzberg....

Saturday, May 18, 2013

May 18th 2013 Mac

Today concludes another week. Only 15 days left and yet, I feel like there is so much to do and I'm still not wanting the year to end.

The students I have met this year have been so awesome.  They look to me as a very serious and disciplined teacher.  I'm not the one they look to when they have problems and when they feel like sharing personal information.  This can be good in a few ways.  They look to me when they want to learn something new.  I don't pretend to be their doctors or their mothers.  I simply teach and make the expectation clear that I'm most interested in your learning.

As the year gets close to concluding I realize all the different hoops and issues I have come across.

1 - Coaching at NMHS - head of soccer program -
2 - 1st year of teaching social studies
3 - Completed the Glogster class
4 - Will complete the TCI before the classes are out for summer.

These are major achievements this year and something I should be very proud of.  At times I don't think we as people reflect on what we have done that has been a huge success.  Reasons for that are most likely we put so much time in the pre-work to reach these goals, we don't want to spend to much time thinking about them after.

As I reflect and think more about the upcoming years, I often ask myself.  When will I get to reach my goal of being a teacher? Years and years have passed I'm still not where i want to be, but I've climbed a few steps on a stair-case that has 100's of steps.  Each step I take, the closer I get to reaching those ultimate goals.

Remember to love what you do, and if your not happy change it!

Monday, May 13, 2013

May 13th 2013 Last Month at Mac

First year is almost completely over and I'm enjoying teaching more than ever.  Of course my only comparison is subbing.  I have found that working with same group of students every-day is very rewarding. The students I have met have been great and really enriched my existence.

The 4th quarter ends with speeches and I'm planning the end of this year.  The learning that has taken place within a year is outstanding and enjoyable to watch.  I think this year was so awesome because I was able to experience what is what like to be a teacher.  I have aspired to teach for a long time and now finally get the chance has been better than expected.

The biggest worry I have now is what will happen next year.  Will I find a permanent teaching job, will I have some other role, or yet, even worse go back to subbing.  I'm really hoping and praying that I get a full time job for fall.  I want to continue to teach and expand my skills.

Wrapping up the TCI class very soon.  I started it back in November when I finished the Glogster class.  I thus have now, the English seminar for 1 credit.  The Glogster for 1 credit and now the TCI for 3 credits.  Making the total to 5, for renewal, it is 4.5 so I'm right on cue for the getting those credits.  The TCI has been very rewarding and I would like to take more classes, but the 1 credit ones seem to work better for my schedule.

Soccer has been great.  We raised over 1,000 this off-season and I'm hoping to get another $1000 during the pre-season.  I can only hope that we keep working hard and also that the team next year is ready to work hard and have a great season.  I'm excited to coach again and watch the boys get better and love the great game more than they did previously.

So many awesome work projects...Until next time...

--Mr. Belzberg

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Start of 4th after the long spring break

Today is April 10th and we had a long spring break.  Two full weeks which were very nice to finish up a few things.  One is that 3rd quarter is done, grades are done as well.  test scores were lower and the 3rd quarters grades were in fact, all lower than expected.  Thus, the entire social studies courses received a curved grading.  After looking at the past two quarters and looking at the curved grades.  They were right on par.  The units were more challenging, and thus the scores were all lower.  Personally, there is no good that come from from failing world religions when you have tried your best, learned a lot, and worked hard.  This, in my opinion, creates a resentment for social studies and history which I didn't want to foster.

The second completion was the "D" license coaching course.  A challenging course that I learned a tremendous amount.  Even if I get the results back and they are not as great as I would like.  I still learned so much about coaching and methods to improve practice sessions that will help the young players I coach immensely.  I feel like now I have more options for players and for the team to improve on problems or weaknesses that need to be fixed.  A great course that I would recommend.  If they do give me the national, then I would like to continue to go after the "C" which would be a great opportunity.

The other part that just finished was the indoor futsul tournament.  A glowing success, which ended up achieving a lot of things.  Making funds to help the players next year, enabling a senior to complete his senior project, and youth players having a blast before spring break.

I was very pleased with the 2 week break.  A lot more getting things done than others, but it was well needed and awesome.

The question now lurks.  What will I be doing in the summer and fall?  Hopefully, I can get the summer school teaching job again.  Possibly take the ESOL classes to fulfill the endorsement.  In the fall, I'm hoping to be at a school full time.  Crossing my fingers that this happens.

Over and out....Mr. Belzberg

Take a look at the Timbers pictures...wonderful time watching my first MLS game....

Monday, March 25, 2013

3rd quarter wrap up...Mac 7th grade 2013

I have been very busy with coaching.  The "D" License course has been an eye opener for coaching the game of soccer.

The 3rd quarter ended last week on Friday March 22nd.  So far, I have taught 3 weeks into the 1st quarter, the entire 2nd quarter, and now just finishing the 3rd quarter.  We have 1 more quarter left.  School starts back up on April 8th and goes until the first week in June.

This has been a great year so far and so much has been underway and planned for this to be a successful 2013.

Soccer: 3 keeper camps and a indoor Fustul tournament.
Teaching: One Glogster 1 credit class, TCI class should be done by the end of summer, and I was made director of the SOCSS.

So many positive aspects this year and so much to be thankful for.

I'm looking forward to starting the Renaissance unit and wrapping up the year.  Hopefully teaching summer school and getting a permanent job lined up for the fall.


Until next time....

-Mr. Belzberg

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Mac Feb 24th 7th grade

this week has been exciting.  brain bowl ends this coming week.  the first formal evualuation is on tuesday and we are studying the middle ages this month.  lot of exciting events and opportunities to get involved with.  spring break is only a month away and the school is almost over.  myself, hoping to gain a permanent teaching job soon and looking forward to coaching again soon.  the more im working the better.  as spring begins, disrtractions loom and the teacher must continue to motivate and inspire.  signing off and looking forward to much to come...