Monday, November 21, 2011

Central Medford High School 11/21/11

I might have learned more today than I have in my past few experiences teaching. Maybe good role models and supervisors...maybe great students...maybe a open mind. A lot of possible variables go into a great learning day. I started to try and incorporate controlled emotion into the reading. I basically just thought of all the human emotions as colors and as I read put different emotions onto the content. It was fairly effective, but there were a couple of reflection points. First of all, the content dictates the emotion. Not the reader. The second important aspect to know that while you are incorporating a whole new mode of thinking into a singular style there is bound to be some confusion and chaos. I pulled it off, but the more practice I have with this double teaching style I think the amount of proficiency will sky rocket. I couldn't be more motivated to get a classroom of my own and begin diving in full force to build and immerse something lasting. A Substitute isn't able to really make an impact unless they are around the students every day. This unfortunate truth is something I continue to run across. In the future I plan to be full time and every day of subbing is not only a great learning experience and a chance to better my craft, but a real underlining truth that I need to be full time somewhere...for obvious reasons.

The second aspect I would like to consider is that I was able to watch a more experienced teacher than myself. He was intelligent and even enlightening. I thought the content was very relevant and not only down to earth, but rather connected with many problems that we have with our society and the news today. What a great teacher does is makes the classroom an extension of many bridges in students lives. Almost a island surrounded by by moat. Land circles the moat and there are many bridges that cross this moat. I think that the students are that outside land and they have to cross the bridges to this island in order to learn. This analogy is very complex, but for once in a long time at least I'm cognitively thinking about abstract ideas. Of course not every day we will be inspired, but hell at least a student brings their own ideas and knowledge into a class room where they get focused on and brought to the fore front, so when that student leaves the island or school they will be more prepared for the land off the safe island.

Until another opportunity surfaces...

Mr. Belzberg

Friday, November 18, 2011

Central Medford High School 11/18/11

Today was another learning experience. I was teaching biology and for the first to classes we watched survivor man and took notes over survival tecniques. One aspect that struck me was that there was 31 students enrolled and only about half showed up. Lunch was awesome all the teachers eat lunch together which is not always the case in some schools. The afternoon was spent working on floats. Another teacher and I combined forces and worked cooperatively. After the floats we went to p.e. which was the highlight. We were able to play dodgeball and basketball which was great, even I participated. A wonderful day and alternative education is a different animal. Much less pressure can be placed on students. Whatever the expecations are, the students know the staff cares about them. The weekend looks great with the soccer state championship to watch and some college football. I hope to reflect throughout the weekend on the students I taught and I really will focus on what went well and what didn't go so well. Next time wikk come soon...peace

Mr. Belzberg

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Central Medford High School 11/17/2011

What an interesting day. I worked in a small self contained special ed class. I spent most of the day with a young lady. She was a joy. We went to the maslow center and helped work in Jessica Cano's closet project. I had a great time folding clothes and volunteering. I couldn't help but wonder how many great people do such wonderful things with their lives. I'm shocked at what goes on underneath the radar...I mean it in a good way though. Of course not every student strives for his or her potential, but when young people really set a plan for the future. It can bring the essence of hope to every living soul. I'm pleased to announce that there is some really great people out there. Don't fall into despair as an educator or a parent or for the purpose of this discussion anybody. I know love is the most powerful aspect that one can share with others...second being knowledge. However if I could live everyday with the amount of hope and love I encountered today working with these transition high schoolers.. a Happy life indeed. To say that I'm not moved with what I saw happening there today would be a complete lie. A person must learn to do their best no matter the circumstance. Respect yourself and others..REmember the golden rule. Signing out Mr. Belzberg

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

North Medford High School 11/16/2011

Today I taught Art at North Medford High School. The classes I taught were three Ceramics classes and one sculpture class. I was a little unsure about what to expect considering I haven't been an art class since high school. Even then, I vaguely remember much about art. I told a story about sitting with a few students arguing about the sexes and which was a better human, male or female. I remember relaxed and subjective time in art class. When I taught this class my understanding of what art was seemed to come back to me. I was lost in the art by the end of the day. The conversations lacked any real substance, but isn't that what art is all about. A simple subjectivity. Some students didn't even know what they were doing they were just creating. If art was not part of the education of young men and women then we would have a huge problem. I find that this class not only is a release of serious class in other subjects, but allows students minds to wander. Which in the words of J.R. Tolkien "Not all who wander are lost". I think he had a point. Some times we have to get lost before we can know where we are going. Not only was a pleased with many of the students, but they actually encouraged me to want to be more artistic.

The Staff was friendly and very helpful. I think they are a great school and the secretary was awesome. I would definitely go back and spend time at the school. One thing I'm weary of is that I wasn't able to get many of the students to put their phones away. This troubles me due to the fact that if so many students are texting and not putting in the attention and effort required for growth and learning then their could be some serious consequences for our future leaders of tomorrow.

Until next time,

Thursday, November 10, 2011

A New Era

I have been substitute teaching for a little over a month now and I have decided to write about my experience in my blog. Each day I’m in the classroom I will report on this blog. The high’s the low’s the ups and the downs. Whatever is important I will discuss. Also, the hours I spend in the classroom I want to keep track of so this will give me a chance to see how many teaching hours I spend and if for some reason I ever need that information for a job or what not it will be beneficial. So if you follow my career or just want to stay connected with me, write a comment on any day I teach that you feel empowered too. I will write back to you as soon as I get a chance. Thanks so much and let the reflections of a substitute teacher unfold.

Mr. Michael (Mikey) Belzberg