Thursday, November 17, 2011

Central Medford High School 11/17/2011

What an interesting day. I worked in a small self contained special ed class. I spent most of the day with a young lady. She was a joy. We went to the maslow center and helped work in Jessica Cano's closet project. I had a great time folding clothes and volunteering. I couldn't help but wonder how many great people do such wonderful things with their lives. I'm shocked at what goes on underneath the radar...I mean it in a good way though. Of course not every student strives for his or her potential, but when young people really set a plan for the future. It can bring the essence of hope to every living soul. I'm pleased to announce that there is some really great people out there. Don't fall into despair as an educator or a parent or for the purpose of this discussion anybody. I know love is the most powerful aspect that one can share with others...second being knowledge. However if I could live everyday with the amount of hope and love I encountered today working with these transition high schoolers.. a Happy life indeed. To say that I'm not moved with what I saw happening there today would be a complete lie. A person must learn to do their best no matter the circumstance. Respect yourself and others..REmember the golden rule. Signing out Mr. Belzberg

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