Wednesday, November 16, 2011

North Medford High School 11/16/2011

Today I taught Art at North Medford High School. The classes I taught were three Ceramics classes and one sculpture class. I was a little unsure about what to expect considering I haven't been an art class since high school. Even then, I vaguely remember much about art. I told a story about sitting with a few students arguing about the sexes and which was a better human, male or female. I remember relaxed and subjective time in art class. When I taught this class my understanding of what art was seemed to come back to me. I was lost in the art by the end of the day. The conversations lacked any real substance, but isn't that what art is all about. A simple subjectivity. Some students didn't even know what they were doing they were just creating. If art was not part of the education of young men and women then we would have a huge problem. I find that this class not only is a release of serious class in other subjects, but allows students minds to wander. Which in the words of J.R. Tolkien "Not all who wander are lost". I think he had a point. Some times we have to get lost before we can know where we are going. Not only was a pleased with many of the students, but they actually encouraged me to want to be more artistic.

The Staff was friendly and very helpful. I think they are a great school and the secretary was awesome. I would definitely go back and spend time at the school. One thing I'm weary of is that I wasn't able to get many of the students to put their phones away. This troubles me due to the fact that if so many students are texting and not putting in the attention and effort required for growth and learning then their could be some serious consequences for our future leaders of tomorrow.

Until next time,

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