Wednesday, June 27, 2012

6/27/2012 A new blogging day


Read the article and answer the questions in your blog.

1. What is paying “lip service”? do you think technology is important for developing countries to have? Why or why not?

2. Do you think developed countries have an obligation to help the developing countries (3rd world), why or why not?

3. Define what Summit is.

4. Why would a nation need more capital (money) to boost their economy? Why would they need other countries for that?

5. What is going green? How does it relate to the economy?

6. What is Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and what is the current U.S. GDP?
7. What was the big success for developing countries according to Puri?

8. Reflect for a page about your feelings of developing countries receiving aid from developed countries. Do you think it’s fair? Should the world be equal in their GDP? How do you feel about third world countries borrowing from first world countries? Is their risk in it for 1st world nations? What would you tell third world nations if you were a first world nation? (one page).


Skim the Magna Carta, U.S. Constitution, and John Locke and Government. Then answer the questions.

Magna Carta

U.S. Constitution
Your job today is to look at two documents. You may find them very long and difficult to understand. Don’t get stuck on any part too long. You are to find as many comparisons with the U.S. Constitution and the Magna Carta as you can.

1. Find 10 comparisons from the two documents

The second part is to find as many differences in the two documents as you can.

2. Find 10 points to contrast with the two documents.

The last part you are to reflect on both documents.

3. What is your overall understanding of both documents? Do you think a lot of laws and rights from the Magna Carta carried over to the U.S.? Why was the Magna Carta such an innovative document? Why was the U.S. constitution so innovative? Take 5 quotes from the U.S. constitution and explain their importance.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

6/26/2012 assignments for this wonderful Tuesday

6/26/2012 Econ and Gov assignments

Econ - Finish budgets

Extra Credit assignment (5 points)

Read article and pick 7 of the blog questions to answer and post on your blog.

Gov -

Read the article and answer the questions in your blog and post when you are complete.  If you can't find all the answers in this one article, use google to search for the answers.

1. Find 5 aspects of the Roman government that were different than the current U.S. government.
2. Find 5 apsects of the Roman government that were the same as the current U.S. government.
3. Find 1 similarility and 1 difference the Greeks had to the Roman and U.S. governments. (4 total answers for this question).
4. Of the three governments which one is the best, ok, and worst one.  Explain your reasoning with examples.
5. What amendments from the U.S. government pertain to Greek and Roman governments.

Additional articles for more information.

Extra credit blog questions:
1. Discuss the who, what, where, when, and why of the article
2. The major theme or main point this article is getting across to you is….
3. Do you agree or disagree and why.
4. Can you find a counter-argument/another argument to this article? After you read it, which one supports your beliefs more?
5. What did you learn about reading and discussing this article?
6. When you leave this classroom, in three sentences what will you take with you from this article?

7. Make sure to double check all your responses in your blog for punctuation errors (spelling, commas, periods, run-on sentences…)

8. Go to Mr.Belzberg’s blog and send him an email upon completion of blog post.

9. Read two-four other blogs from your class.
10. Comment on at least two blogs. Let them know if agree or disagree, but be respectful, you will be graded on your comments as well as your own blog posts.

11. Find 10 keywords and define them in the article you read about.
12. Write 3 questions you have after reading.

Monday, June 25, 2012

6/25/2012 Econ and Gov assignments


Econ - Finish budgets

Extra Credit assignment (5 points)

Read article and pick 7 of the blog questions to answer and post on your blog.

Gov -

Greek government questions with article
1. Did the Greeks only have democracy as a government structure? If not, what were the other governments? 
2. Who were not allowed to participate in the democracies in ancient Greece? Is that fair, why or why not?
3. What was ancient Greek democracies like? how were they different than the U.S. democracy?
4.  Were the kings/tyrants always bad? what would you have been like if you were king?
5.What was Sparta's government like? Give some details.
6. Why was Macedonia different? What type of government did they have?
7. Accroding to Aristotle what was the best type of government? In your opinion, what is the best type of government and why?
8. Pick 8 vocabalary words and define them.
9. Post answers with questions on blog
Extra Credit (5 points)
Read article and pick 7 of the blog questions to answer and post on your blog

1. Discuss the who, what, where, when, and why of the article

2. The major theme or main point this article is getting across to you is….

3. Do you agree or disagree and why.

4. Can you find a counter-argument/another argument to this article? After you read it, which one supports your beliefs more?

5. What did you learn about reading and discussing this article?

6. When you leave this classroom, in three sentences what will you take with you from this article?

7. Make sure to double check all your responses in your blog for punctuation errors (spelling, commas, periods, run-on sentences…)

8. Go to Mr.Belzberg’s blog and send him an email upon completion of blog post.

9. Read two-four other blogs from your class.

10. Comment on at least two blogs. Let them know if agree or disagree, but be respectful, you will be graded on your comments as well as your own blog posts.

11. Find 10 keywords and define them in the article you read about.

12. Write 3 questions you have after reading.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

6/21/2012 ECON/GOV

ECON - Creat your budget

Government - You must create our own constitution.  meaning you need your own Bill of Rights and any additional amendments you need for your people.  You must create a nation that lives by these rules.  You must answer all these questions and post in your blog.

1. What is your nation called?
2. Where is your nation?
3. How do you rule the people?
4.  What organizations do you need to keep order?
5.  What will the penalties for breaking the laws in your nation?
6. What will be different in your nation vs the United States?  What will be the same?
7.  Explain scenarios in which your people will have to follow your laws.
8.  Decide which type of government you have...Democracy, Communists....ect....Then define that type of government.
9. How will you manage your resources?
10.  How will you conduct your foreign relations?
11. How will you balance your power within the government?
12. How will you stop corruption within your society?
13. Why will your society be more successful than any other in the universe?

If you have time GOV or ECON.   Read this article:

--Mr. Belzberg

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

6/20 articles and assignments for ECON/GOV


read this article, make sure you read the entire article.  When you read the first part you must click on the read more to finish the rest of the article.  It is fairly long, but its a great resource.

Then pick any of the 7 questions on your sheet and first write them in microsoft word.  Then copy and paste your answers to you own blog and post. 

You will not recieve any points today until I can check your blog post off.  Meaning, when there is 10 minutes left you must begin posting on your blog so I can give you your points you worked hard for.

Happy Blogging!


I want you to first finish the Cyber Bullying article that many of you did not get to yesterday.  Remember to read all the pages and think about the 1st amendment right.

Finish this article and pick any 5 questions from the blog question list on your paper or from my blog post yesterday then write down your answers into microsoft word.  After you have all 5 done copy and paste to your blog post and publish/post.

This should take you half of the period and the other half you need to read the next article and do the same, pick 5 questions and do the same for the gun control article.

Happy Blogging!


Both classes should be at the stage of having a blog with 2 blog posts.  To get your points you need to post in your blog!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Here are the articles that need to be read for 6/19


Savers punished?


1st amendment

Cyber bullying and freedom of speech

Questions to consider when writing post:

Blog article question sheet:

1. Discuss the who, what, where, when, and why of the article

2. The major theme or main point this article is getting across to you is….

3. Do you agree or disagree and why.

4. Can you find a counter-argument/another argument to this article? After you read it, which one supports your beliefs more?

5. What did you learn about reading and discussing this article?

6. When you leave this classroom, in three sentences what will you take with you from this article?

7. Make sure to double check all your responses in your blog for punctuation errors (spelling, commas, periods, run-on sentences…)

8. Go to Mr.Belzberg’s blog and send him an email upon completion of blog post.

9. Read two-four other blogs from your class.

10. Comment on at least two blogs. Let them know if agree or disagree, but be respectful, you will be graded on your comments as well as your own blog posts.

11. Find 10 keywords and define them in the article you read about.

12. Write 3 questions you have after reading.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Griffin Creek Elementary 6/6/2012

Yuck, that is the word that comes to me when I awoke this morning. I felt so sick the last day of subbing. I tried to cancel and find a sub for the sub, but they couldn't get one until over an hour into class. I was teaching 2nd graders and it was great. The kids were kind and by the time I got rolling I was fine. The students were awesome and I really was sick. Thus when the subbed came in for me I knew I would get rest. My day ended early, but when your sick, your sick. This is my last blog post about subbing for the 2011-2012 school year. It has been a ride and I have learned a tremendous amount. I'm pleased with my dedication to this profession and my commitment to blog about each day. I subbed over full days this year and I couldn't have been happier. Good news...I landed a summer teaching job from June 18th to August 9th. 8 weeks and economics and government are my two classes. A great warm-up for the full time thing in the upcoming school year. I'm excited to begin the next phase in teaching and ready to take on new challenges that present themselves. I bid farewell for this year and will keep updates coming soon. GO TEACHERS WHO PURSUE KNOWLEDGE, VALUES, AND JUSTICE! THE JOB NEVER ENDS! --Mr. Belzberg

Hedrick Middle School 6/5/2012

Teaching physical science once again. The great part about this class is I know most of the students and they know me. I had a great time watching them take their final and did a lot of reading of Andrew Jackson's biography. Very mellow and quiet. Teaching can be so easy and so difficult. Depends totally on what the lesson and the activity is. A good mix of both is crucial for learning. --Mr. Belzberg

McLoughlin Middle School 6/4/2012

The last week of school and everyone knows. The lack of focus by the students is something that teachers try to battle. I think I was unprepared for teaching this last week. The reasons are not that important, but since this is my blog I intend to share. 1. My student teaching ended May, thus I didn't observe the last week as a teacher. 2. My expectations hadn't changed. The atmosphere changes and everything gets lax. Knowing those two aspects would have made my life a lot better the last week, so I learned once again and this was a great experience. Next year I will be prepared and know what to do. The class assignment was for the students to discuss books with peers. I had a stop watch and monitored there time for each group and discussion. Watching the clock so that the students are in check. the only thing missing was a whistle. --Mr. Belzberg

McLoughlin Middle School 5/31/2012-6/1/2012

Teaching English is awesome. The issues that concerns me the most is that I have taken the LA test twice and both times come up short by a question or two. The third and final time should be a huge opportunity for me to pass it. Today in class the students were watching a movie and finishing up a test. Very simple, yet these two days were the hardest all month. The students refused to do what was asked and all had bad attitudes. So many issues had arisen and in the position I was in, helpless to say the least. There was nothing I could do and didn't have the backing to change anything. These two days I would like sooner to forget then anything else. On the other hand, a learning moment about what I don't want to happen in a classroom. The students took control and my lack of decisive discipline in the beginning created a student controlling atmosphere. Student centered, but teacher led is best. At the least, I learned... --Mr. Belzberg

Hedrick Middle School 5/30/2012

What a day. Teaching physical science to 8th graders. The classes were great. I handed them a worksheet and a textbook and then monitored, helped, and communicated with the students. Hedrick would be a great school to work at everyday. Perhaps that offer could come my way. The greatest part about middle school is the age. They are still elementary, but soon to be high school. There is the kid feeling mixing with the adult feeling. I think its a great time and what a better period for learning that one such as that. --Mr. Belzberg

Griffin Creek Elementary 5/29

Teaching 5th graders on this day was a surprise. I was given the task of taking the students down to the creek and letting them identify bugs and try and figure out how old the tree were by counting the rings. It was a great day for everybody who was not in trouble. I was very happy with almost all the students. One boy glued onto me and we went through all the activities together. I had a great time and as always wanted to spend more time with these great young people. --Mr. Belzberg