Tuesday, June 26, 2012

6/26/2012 assignments for this wonderful Tuesday

6/26/2012 Econ and Gov assignments

Econ - Finish budgets

Extra Credit assignment (5 points)

Read article and pick 7 of the blog questions to answer and post on your blog.

Gov -

Read the article and answer the questions in your blog and post when you are complete.  If you can't find all the answers in this one article, use google to search for the answers.


1. Find 5 aspects of the Roman government that were different than the current U.S. government.
2. Find 5 apsects of the Roman government that were the same as the current U.S. government.
3. Find 1 similarility and 1 difference the Greeks had to the Roman and U.S. governments. (4 total answers for this question).
4. Of the three governments which one is the best, ok, and worst one.  Explain your reasoning with examples.
5. What amendments from the U.S. government pertain to Greek and Roman governments.

Additional articles for more information.

Extra credit blog questions:
1. Discuss the who, what, where, when, and why of the article
2. The major theme or main point this article is getting across to you is….
3. Do you agree or disagree and why.
4. Can you find a counter-argument/another argument to this article? After you read it, which one supports your beliefs more?
5. What did you learn about reading and discussing this article?
6. When you leave this classroom, in three sentences what will you take with you from this article?

7. Make sure to double check all your responses in your blog for punctuation errors (spelling, commas, periods, run-on sentences…)

8. Go to Mr.Belzberg’s blog and send him an email upon completion of blog post.

9. Read two-four other blogs from your class.
10. Comment on at least two blogs. Let them know if agree or disagree, but be respectful, you will be graded on your comments as well as your own blog posts.

11. Find 10 keywords and define them in the article you read about.
12. Write 3 questions you have after reading.

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