Wednesday, June 20, 2012

6/20 articles and assignments for ECON/GOV


read this article, make sure you read the entire article.  When you read the first part you must click on the read more to finish the rest of the article.  It is fairly long, but its a great resource.

Then pick any of the 7 questions on your sheet and first write them in microsoft word.  Then copy and paste your answers to you own blog and post. 

You will not recieve any points today until I can check your blog post off.  Meaning, when there is 10 minutes left you must begin posting on your blog so I can give you your points you worked hard for.

Happy Blogging!


I want you to first finish the Cyber Bullying article that many of you did not get to yesterday.  Remember to read all the pages and think about the 1st amendment right.

Finish this article and pick any 5 questions from the blog question list on your paper or from my blog post yesterday then write down your answers into microsoft word.  After you have all 5 done copy and paste to your blog post and publish/post.

This should take you half of the period and the other half you need to read the next article and do the same, pick 5 questions and do the same for the gun control article.

Happy Blogging!


Both classes should be at the stage of having a blog with 2 blog posts.  To get your points you need to post in your blog!

1 comment:

  1. The article was about the, Federal Reserve System is the central bank of the United States.The main purpose of this article was to show that the fed has been giving out loans and money to corporations that dont give the money back so we go in debt.what i learned about this was that the fed is responsible for getting the unemplyment rate down and to create jobs for people and to keep out debt level down and try to make more money then the money we loan out.I agree with this article because the fed has done many things to help the economy but then has done some things to hurt it,they are only trying to keep the global economy balanced so we dont go into a great depression again and have the world suffer.The main point to this article was to show what the fed is doing and what their job is in the United States Government they are our major resource to keep the economy running in the world they are who keep things running.
