Friday, May 25, 2012

Hedrick Middle School 5/24+25

Teaching social studies to 8th graders for two day is a step in the right direction. Not only is it my speciality subject, but the students are well behaved and insightful. I was very happy with what the teacher planned. Although on Friday we spent the entire time watching a film. Which is great, the only problem is you see the film 5 times. As a student you can always review and learn so it was great to see the stock market crash of 1929 Hoover dam, Mt. Rushmore, Joe Lowis, and the end of the great depression. I learned new things each time I saw it and was happy with how the day went. Survival stage in where I'm at. Hopefully by the time I have my own class I will be at the master teaching stage. This week is up and now only two more weeks of school. If they do select me to teach summer school it will be a great opportunity. If not then I will be on the farm. Until next week, Mr. Belzberg

Griffin Creek Elementary 5/23

Teaching 5th grade is always fun.  The group in this specific class is very difficult.  Also, the student teacher is not very bright.  He wastes his knowlege on petty lessons and I feel as though they should have been tougher on him. 

Now with the positive.  I was able to talk to some students that I spent a little time with last time I was there and it was very pleasant.  Always a pleasant surprise when students welcome you back and are happy to see you.  Looking forward to going to teach everyday was a theme for me this week and I think it was a great one.  Trying to remember that I might not be teaching kids again until the fall is a bitter sweet deal.

Looking forward to the break though,

Mr. Belzberg

Monday, May 21, 2012

Central Medford High School 5/21/2012

Teaching art today. The most calm and stress free day subbing ever. The class sizes were small. The students knew exactly what to work on. The music was playing everyone was doing art. A very fun class to teach. It was almost to easy. I couldn't believe how fun teaching art is. Granted I wasn't really teaching all that much today. It was more like monitoring and hanging out. Sometimes you get called in and you feel like its the hardest day ever and other days are like what today was. Simple, easy, and not a whole of much. The joy of subbing is great, but I have no control over what each day will bring. Would I choose this or a full time teaching job. I would definitely choose to have my own classroom and be with the same kids day in and day out. Soon it will come and this subbing thing will be a thing of the past. With that said, each day brings new challenges. Sometimes those challenges are hard or expected, but they are all something that we must face everyday and make the best of what the class brings. --Mr. Belzberg

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Hedrick Middle School 5/18/2012

P.E. today. The first time I have done P.E. all year. I have taught 100 days and this is the first time I've done P.E. I have done, English, Math, Science, Social Studies. All of the cores. Music, Library, Art, and others that I can't think of. P.E. is awesome and very different. I got to act a little louder and tougher because P.E. teachers are generally a little different. I'm excited to know that there are only 3 weeks left, but I'm really hoping I get a full time teaching gig for next year soon. My theme for today was to stay away from drugs. I told four stories in health. Two success stories and two not so great. I think the students listen to both, hopefully they try and not make mistakes that others before them have made. "I believe the students today will make better decision than the ones yesterday" --Mr. Belzberg

McLoughlin Middle School 5/17/2012

Today I was teaching math to one of the hardest teams at Mac. Every time I come to teach this specific team I'm surprised at how talkative and tough they can be. Normally, I come in full of energy and use enthusiasm to manage and teach. However, today I was tired and unable to really give the energy I normally give. They were next to impossible. My first mistake was that I should have sent a few students to another class. They stayed in and as a result chewed me up and spit me out. I wasn't happy and didn't feel like I was as effective as usual. The lesson wasn't that great either. It was statistics and not a lot of fun math. Just compiling data, not my idea of a good time. With all that said I was lucky to be subbing and enjoy going to Mac. --Mr. Belzberg

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Hedrick Middle School 5/15/2012

Teaching math today! I had enjoyable day until 6th period. The students in that class talked more than any other class I have ever been in. I couldn't get the students to listen to directions or listen to anything for more than a minute. What I learned from that experience was that I need to be extremely brief with directions and lessons for that period. Also, entertainment and motivational speech is needed to get those students to be engaged. If I'm ever to teach a class period such as that one I will most likely come full game. --Mr. Belzberg

Central Medford High 5/14/2012

Teaching the transition students is very different. A unique experience that was filled with excitement as well as challenges. I was pleased with how much growth the students have made since I have taught them in the fall. I'm extremely happy with much of the subbing I have done this year and with only 4 weeks left I still haven't landed a full time teaching job. I'm hopeful that it will happen soon.

5/10/2012 and 5/11/2012 Hedrick Middle School

Teaching at Hedrick has been an awesome experience this year. I have enjoyed watching the students I have met grow and learn. As much as I want to say that I want to teach in a high school. being at Hedrick would be an awesome opportunity and I would gladly teach there full time. Teaching special ed and English. However, any subject I would teach and be grateful! Until next time --Mr. Belzberg

Central Medford High 5/9/2012

Teaching Language Arts. Failing the test a second time gives me a bitter feeling about teaching this subject. However, the class was spent monitoring the students in the computer lab. Many of the students spent a lot of talking and very little work. I like the students as always, but want to see them trying harder. No major issues. --Mr. Belzberg

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

North Medford High School 5/8/2012

Teaching math,mainly pre-algebra.  I enjoy math.  The lessons are all easy to follow because the style of math teaching is very straight foward.  Demonstrate then let the students practice unitl they are at mastery.  I was pleased with many of the students work ethic and ability to stay self-motivated.  The students who choose to get the most out of their time tend to be more successful in their learning.  I was very pleased with the school.  Last time I was here it was cold outstide and since the school is mainly set up outdoors it wasn't as pleasant.  Now coming in May when the weather is wonderful.  This school is extremely beautiful.  Getting the head soccer coaching job has really brought some excitement and looking forward to getting a teaching job soon is the goal. 

Until next time

--Mr. Belzberg

Monday, May 7, 2012

Hedrick Middle School 5/4/2012

In a familiar social studies classroom teaching about the civil war. Specifically the students were looking at the Gettysburg address. What I learned...there are only 267 words, 10 sentences, and it only took 2 minutes. Of course many leaders have given short speeches. Has any president in history given such a short, profound, and most famous speech...I don't think so. Abraham Lincoln's speech was amazing and the man who spoke before him, Everett something, spoke for 2 hours and many people cannot even remember his name. The basic lesson was be short and to the point at times. A reason, no its simple enough. --Mr. Belzberg

Crater High School 5/3/2012

A second day in the Renaissance Academy. The great part about this school is there are two teachers working with one large group. I found subbing very easy. Yet, I would have liked to take the lead both times. Of course with the regular teacher in there, I was not given the chance. The classroom can be mentally competitive. Finding your voice as a leader in a classroom is difficult to attain and yet its harder to know when exactly is the right moment to take control. In the class the topic was Middle East and the students were reading THE KITE RUNNER and learning about the culture as well as all the other components that go with that region of the world. I was engaged, another great day! Mr. Belzberg

Hedrick Middle School 5/2/2012

Today I was at a special ed resource room. I met many students and small class sizes. The greatest part of the whole day was we were learning about the civil rights movement and what took place. The students read a play that was interesting, but the round robin read was difficult to understand the article. If the readers are all high level and paying attention comprehension is attainable. Otherwise students continue to forget what part they have. Still its good practice and it is necessary for students to engage the text. How a teacher chooses to do that depends on his or her style. Also to note, a good teacher would only use one method to get students to learn. A great educator would use multiple styles and methods to enhance learning. Crater tomorrow! Mr. B

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Crater High School 4/30/2012

Today I taught in Central Point. It was a very different experience yet similar. What the content was is something that all social studies teachers enjoy. the topic was Islam and its history. The lesson was planned excellently and was very knowledgeable. However, my biggest criticism is that there was no skill be taught. The students learn a new skill or how to do something new. The class was basically and informational lesson. Here is the information and you do what you want with it. There was little student lead activity or learning. The class was teacher lead and all the knowledge was given by the teacher and the class was very teacher centered. I thought it was a great example of direct instruction. I was impressed and pleased, although I would have done things much different. Great day and I even ran into students I knew from soccer. Its always better to have full day's subbing than half days. Until next time, Mr. Belzberg