Monday, May 21, 2012

Central Medford High School 5/21/2012

Teaching art today. The most calm and stress free day subbing ever. The class sizes were small. The students knew exactly what to work on. The music was playing everyone was doing art. A very fun class to teach. It was almost to easy. I couldn't believe how fun teaching art is. Granted I wasn't really teaching all that much today. It was more like monitoring and hanging out. Sometimes you get called in and you feel like its the hardest day ever and other days are like what today was. Simple, easy, and not a whole of much. The joy of subbing is great, but I have no control over what each day will bring. Would I choose this or a full time teaching job. I would definitely choose to have my own classroom and be with the same kids day in and day out. Soon it will come and this subbing thing will be a thing of the past. With that said, each day brings new challenges. Sometimes those challenges are hard or expected, but they are all something that we must face everyday and make the best of what the class brings. --Mr. Belzberg

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