Monday, December 19, 2011

JDH Facility 12/19/2011

Always a little more nervous going into the lock down facility then an ordinary high school. The students surprised me again. Wonderfully respectful and kind. The students were all males and it makes question the construct in public schools today. Are unigender better classrooms for learning due to lack of distraction. Or, do the students have a more diverse classroom that fosters more viewpoints. I need to do more research before I draw a conclusion.

Today was all about memory and Taiwan. I think it was one of the best lessons I have had subbing. I think the connection about building an excellent memory and learning about history goes hand in hand. Anytime you can devise methods of remembering facts about a story is bright.

Many of the students in the CBT pod were interested and I told them that if they have air they can learn. Thanks to criag karges nmenonic air gives a way to process data. Association, interest, and repetetion. This was taught and some of the students pick it up and put in their backpacks while others ignored it. Either way knowledge was given and many students to it and ran.

I'm excited about working in the new year and I will try and get those 600 hours needed.

-- Mr. Belzberg

Friday, December 16, 2011

Griffin Creek Elementary 12/14/2011-12/16/2011

The last three days have been a roller coaster ride. I have had some great ups and some really tough lows. Each day has come with excitement enthusiasm, and a little nervousness. I feel as though teaching is my calling and now that I spend more time doing just that I know that I picked the right career.

Wednesday was the best day I have ever had at the elementary level. We got everything done and more. the kids laughed, learned and had fun. I felt like I was really reaching students and help them grow and learn more. The students finally accepted me as there teacher this week and it was a joy.

Thursday, what a day. An extremely tough challenge. The students were awesome, but I couldn't do what was planned and it was extremely difficult to get their attention. Teaching seems like there are those days that seem to go excellent and other days that don't seem to go that well. A challenge isn't always a bad thing and if you survive then its a wonderful story.

Friday, the big celebration. The highlight was a student named X (I won't disclose real names) He drew me picture after picture of great art. I wanted to cry at how sweet he was. A phenomenal young man. I really think he is one of the kindest kids I have encountered. The other highlight was dodge ball. I threw one ball that hit a kid in the ankle and he went sky high and landed on the floor. An awesome throw that will go down in the history books a griffin creek as a model shot for getting students out. It was a lot of fun!

I have learned so much and I couldn't be happier. I'm very glad to have been a part of the school for as long as I was and now all I need is a permanent position!

--Mr. Belzberg

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Griffin Creek Elementary 12/13/2011

What did I learn today?

A - taking away recess time can be instrumental in classroom management

B - teaching is a challenge everyday. Be there on rainy days.

C - knowing when to keep your cool and when to raise your voice can be a matter of success

D - being organized can help your lesson immensely. Dread the time you leaave and deliver when you come back to class

E - trying your best can must come from an individual effort

F - freeley giving rewards need to come from a well thought out plan for behavior improvement over the long term.

G - never lose sight of your goal

H - don't get hot headed, but remember to be firm

I - I can do this attitude

J - joking and humor are great for classroom envirenment as long as its not malicious or harmful

K - kindess is always a great substitute for confusion

L - love to learn

M - make an effort to get to know each student

N - never say can't or give up

O - open your mind, heart, and soul to learn

P - be present in every way possible

Q - keeping students quite is game of when to and when not to...always manage classroom noise

R - Remember to incorporate past knowledge, stories, language

S - serve everyone even if they don't deserve it

T - take every opportunity to pay attention to detail

U - limit your ums and filler words when speaking

V - vary instruction as much as possible

W - words are powerful for a teacher...choose them wisely

X - maximize your investment in young people

Y - Your only as wise as you strive to be

Z - zero rate of tolerance for social put downs

This is my abcs for teaching and learning. When the day comes where I will be teaching full time I will be happily reminded of the work I have done to prepare. When the students read me they will see a work ethic and a drive to learn...would be a great principle they could learn. Even I must continue to strive to be better and a harder worker day by day.

--Mr. Belzberg

Monday, December 12, 2011

Hedrick Middle School 12/12/2011

Teaching my favorite subject social studies is an awesome task. I decided that today my stress was going to be on learning. Whether the students talked or got up from their desk at random times, was not the issue. Normally I'm very regimented. Do this, do that, you must do this, you must do that. Today was different. Every time I wanted to focus on managing the classroom better I just thought to myself...If their learning then there on the right track. With that underlying philosophy I experienced new ideas that I had not previously. Normally I walk in and walk out unchanged. Today was different. I learned an immense amount about public speaking. 1 - Know your material, 2 - use humor, 3 - use personal stories and conversational language, 4 - practice, 5 - when delivering speech take moments of pause and breath, 6 - know your audience and speak accordingly, 7 - relax and turn that nervous energy into enthusiasm, 8 - do not apologize during a speech, 9 - use your visual aids and know the room your speaking in well, 10 - greet your audience when they walk in the door and engage your audience as much as possible. That is ten criteria that I learned today. I would be joyful if the students learned ten as well.

A great day can be ever day as long as I hope and prepare for it. Tomorrow begins a new job at Griffin Creek for 4 days. I'm excited, hopefully i can turn those nerves into enthusiasm.

--Mr. Belzberg

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Central Medford High School 12/9/11

Just another half day. I'll take what I can get. My feelings about today were great. I would have liked to talk to the principal. The day was fun with lots of p.e. I like to be active and that can be hard in the classroom. I think teaching is a very impacting field. Teachers can change the world for the better. I'm happy with the choice to teach.

Not one issue arose. Neither fun or learning were comprimised today. The school is a very warm place where students and staff tend to get along and learn from one another. Alternative school is a very complicated institution. One purpose is to educate, but how does one do that when teachers can't decide between teaching to tests and developing life long learners.

Even the most respectful students have times where they act up. The goal is to lead these students closer to goal. They must make goals and really apply energy and effort to reaching it. There are some directed students and they are the leaders. Sometimes you throw up a shot and you pray it goes in. Teaching can be like that. Instruct students in a new idea or plan and you pray it takes heed.

Everybody at Central is kind and wants to be there. The atmosphere is a positive one. I think alll the students really know they have a second chance I know that, with the help of their peers they can succeed. "All are welcome who quest for knowledge"...great quote.

Effort, times 5 is what it takes for high school students need to be successfuk in this global competetive world. Every day I come to central I know that I must give it my best attempt, win, lose, or draw every day is a new challenge and a new battle. I hope to really make a difference in these young men and women's lives.

I loved it there, teaching english to seniors was a joy. I was able to get the oppurtunity to listen to many students senior project speech. It was an awesome experience.

Learning day in and day out,

--Mr. Belzberg

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Griffin Creek Elementary 12/8/2011

3rd graders today!

The class was a roller coaster ride. At times it was extremely smooth and easy to manage...other days it was a mess and challenging to get anybody on task. I couldn't be happier with all the teaching jobs I'm getting. If ever week could be like this I would be devolping my skill even more. It was a pleasure to teach at Griffin Creek.

Every day I get to teach I gain more power and control with students. Balancing the respect for the administration and collegues. Teaching is difficult and to master the craft, one has to really devote ones life to the calling. Of course there is time for friends and family, but we must be a teacher above almost all else.

Remembering the training can be hard....identifying, remembering, organizing, notetaking, creating, summarizing, elaborating, and monitoring. All these skills will need to be applied and evualuated ever reflection one gets whence teaching. Learning is a battle attrition...can we put more effort in? Can we think differently? Can we pensively, cognitively, and methodically evolve? Answering these questions take above all else effort.

A goal of a substitute teacher to become a superintendent one day is ambitious, but why not be ambitious.

I will, I will grow, and my students will do the same!

--Mr. Belzberg

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Central Medford High School 12/7/2011

Pearl Harbor changed the world 70 years ago. FDR quoted the day as one that would live in infamy. Teaching today was great. I did run across something today that was worth discussing.

A teacher who has been working with the students was helping a student. No big deal right...what was odd to me was this teacher was typing the students paper for him. Is this right, wrong, is it a form of cheating. How? A teacher is typing while the student dictates. No harm there...I'm not going to say that I have never taking a short cut or taking the easy road at times. Truth be known its human nature to control the environment so that life is easier.

My concern is that as a teacher we are to help the students reach the next level, grasp the next idea, create goals and achieve them. Are we selling our students out by doing the work for them? Do we inhibit their devolpment more by doing to much. Maybe as a teacher we need to let the students do more of the work, after all there can be no gain if there is no personal effort.

You must try to we prevent the students from learning when we do to much of the cognitive work?

We must above all else teach...therefore we must let the students learn....however that may be.

In conclusion, let the students do more rather than less, they will thank you later!

~~Mr. Belzberg

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

McLoughlin Middle School 12/6/2011

A Epic Teaching Day

Today I taught math to 8th graders. The students seem to be very engaged and interested. Sometimes I cannot tell whether its the teacher who has been shaping them or its my presence, maybe a combination of the two. One aspect is certain, math is a lot different then social studies. When I initially set out to teach, I wanted to do math. I had a long talk with a friend and decided that social studies would be a lot better. In the end I chose social studies, but when is the end. I have not even started teaching really. On the other side, I have been teaching ever since I decided to help a person with less knowledge then I.

Did I consider getting my math endorsement after this experience. The answer was an obvious yes. I want to get my language arts endorsement as well as math. I should have some time to prepare. Working on the farm and substitute teaching is keeping me busy and the bills paid, but I find I want more. is that not human?

After today I will have a day off, this is out of my control. One day I will get a full time teaching job and I will not get these days off, so I should be happy that I get them off once in a while. Guess it will be a farm day. Here comes pruning the apples.

This will be the last blog before I open it up on Facebook. Will my friends look at what I have been writing. My answer is most unsure...Some might look and comment others will not. I will continue to write about my experience working with the students. Trying to remember to have the utmost respect for my opportunity. Surviving each day happily...Better yet teaching these young minds the true purpose in life...follow their goals to where they want to go and by helping them get to that goal!

--Mr. Belzberg

Monday, December 5, 2011

Griffin Creek Elementary 12/5/2011

The closest to diaster was today. It was impugnación a hala day and I started out a little to confident. My over-confidence caused me to struggle with my emotions. With the first 30 minutes I was begining to get upset. I contined to let my emotions get the beat of me and my frustration increased when a few students didnt great me with respect and refused to follow my directions. I could feel a pensé on anger building and then walks in the principal and he seems to call the situation and I take a step back and regia my composure.
After lunch the class was excellent and I had it under control for the rest of the day.

Join reflecting, a few aspects done to my mind. First, it is hard t humo into a class half way through the day. No player can come of the bench at halftime every game and be ready to go in the first moments of the game. Sometimes they can but once in awhile the player will be unsure due to lack of being involved in the game for the first part. Same goes for teaching. Sometimes I jump in and nail it other times it isn't so easy.

The second aspect is that I'm a substitute not the real teacher. I don't have as much power and the students know that. They understand that I struggle with knowing their names and knowing the rules. I did my best.

The last aspect to consider was that I let me emotions get the best of me and even though it could have been a lot worse, a lot worse. I held it together. With that said I learned that you can't ever get upset and show it if you are to be a master teacher. Today I showed I was a novice and truth be told I am just a rookie...

My solution, more expierence and more composure of emotion when teaching.

Until tomorrow.

~~Mr. Belzberg

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Griffin Creek Elementary 12/2/2011 special ed

Special ed is a whole seperate aspect in teaching. Students can be just a little different and be condsidered special ed and other students need to be in a special ed for obvious reasons. With that said, they can be a great group of young people.

I worked with mainly second graders today and it was great. They were very mature and wanted to get up to speed with their classmates so they could be back in their regular classrooms. The program I was in was called maps. The way in which they ran class was simple. Break the kids down into small groups amd let them rotate around to the three teachers in the classroom. Couldn't have been a better way to run the class. This allowed for maximum use of the teachers and classroom.

I had an excellent time and the classified helper who was in there was not only beautiful she was extremely helpful. Couldn't have done a better job because of her rapport with the students are her ability to deal with management issues effictively.

A great opportunity!

Mr. Belzberg

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Griffin Creek Elementary 12/1/2011

5th graders are an interesting animal. Many of the students didn't know what to think of me. Each step of the day was a learning climb. The goods interactions and the not so good interactions were definitely draining. I was tired at the end of the day, but I wouldn't have it any other way. The explorer activity was awesome. Each student randomly received an explorer, some Vasco da Gama, some Christopher Columbus, even still some Sir Francis Drake. many different options and the students were giving a map and told to trace there journey from the old world to the new world. What their early life was like, what their accomplishments were, where they were born or origins, and any miscellanous information. Excellent activity!

The students told me about a game they called infection...its where one person is it any the other students run away and try not to get tagged. If a student gets tagged then they are infected and chase the other kids who are not infected yet. An interesting new game that seemed like fun.

Reading aloud to the class was a lot of fun. I was able to get the class quiet and keep them drawing on their pictures. I had a few students who really gave me a hard time, but that was ok because people don't always get along, but in a job setting they must together and put their differences aside. Sometimes that can be easy and other times that can be more challenging. No one likes a sub to come in and take over a class, most of time the students like their teqachers and a sub is new and not always easily understood. A fragile situation at worst.

An awesome day and I learn new and interesting lessons everday.

Until I fill in for someone else

--Mr. Belzberg

Mcloghlin Middle School 11/30/2011

Today I taught physical science for one of the superb teachers at McLoughlin. I spent the morning teaching a lesson on cloning. The students were split on the issue. Some believe that cloning is wrong for various reasons...most likely religious reasons. The other half were for cloning. One aspect that the teacher examined was the way the students do research. The class was broke down into three groups, one that analyzed sources, one group that created a pro and con of stem cell research and cloning, the last group was to do evaulative research. Basically meaning that students need to judge the research they have done. Once the students complete their job in their disignated group they are to work with one person from the second group and one person from the last group. Essientially a jig saw.

The second half of the day was spent on a webquest. A independent activity where the students navigate the web to get answers or to observe experiments. States of matter were the focal point of the lesson. I was fairly aloof during this time. I basically just managed the class to my best ability, fairly smooth and many of the students completed there quest.

Behavioral problems were minor. The students usually respect you if you respect them. I admire many of tghe students who show potential for big dreams and work ethic to get there.

Awesome day and I'm pleased to be a part of a school that I spent much of my childhood. If only I would have worked harder and learned the lines to A Christmas Carol....scrooge lines got me, if I had the chance again, sucess wouold have been achieved!