Thursday, December 1, 2011

Mcloghlin Middle School 11/30/2011

Today I taught physical science for one of the superb teachers at McLoughlin. I spent the morning teaching a lesson on cloning. The students were split on the issue. Some believe that cloning is wrong for various reasons...most likely religious reasons. The other half were for cloning. One aspect that the teacher examined was the way the students do research. The class was broke down into three groups, one that analyzed sources, one group that created a pro and con of stem cell research and cloning, the last group was to do evaulative research. Basically meaning that students need to judge the research they have done. Once the students complete their job in their disignated group they are to work with one person from the second group and one person from the last group. Essientially a jig saw.

The second half of the day was spent on a webquest. A independent activity where the students navigate the web to get answers or to observe experiments. States of matter were the focal point of the lesson. I was fairly aloof during this time. I basically just managed the class to my best ability, fairly smooth and many of the students completed there quest.

Behavioral problems were minor. The students usually respect you if you respect them. I admire many of tghe students who show potential for big dreams and work ethic to get there.

Awesome day and I'm pleased to be a part of a school that I spent much of my childhood. If only I would have worked harder and learned the lines to A Christmas Carol....scrooge lines got me, if I had the chance again, sucess wouold have been achieved!

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