Monday, December 19, 2011

JDH Facility 12/19/2011

Always a little more nervous going into the lock down facility then an ordinary high school. The students surprised me again. Wonderfully respectful and kind. The students were all males and it makes question the construct in public schools today. Are unigender better classrooms for learning due to lack of distraction. Or, do the students have a more diverse classroom that fosters more viewpoints. I need to do more research before I draw a conclusion.

Today was all about memory and Taiwan. I think it was one of the best lessons I have had subbing. I think the connection about building an excellent memory and learning about history goes hand in hand. Anytime you can devise methods of remembering facts about a story is bright.

Many of the students in the CBT pod were interested and I told them that if they have air they can learn. Thanks to criag karges nmenonic air gives a way to process data. Association, interest, and repetetion. This was taught and some of the students pick it up and put in their backpacks while others ignored it. Either way knowledge was given and many students to it and ran.

I'm excited about working in the new year and I will try and get those 600 hours needed.

-- Mr. Belzberg

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