Thursday, December 8, 2011

Griffin Creek Elementary 12/8/2011

3rd graders today!

The class was a roller coaster ride. At times it was extremely smooth and easy to manage...other days it was a mess and challenging to get anybody on task. I couldn't be happier with all the teaching jobs I'm getting. If ever week could be like this I would be devolping my skill even more. It was a pleasure to teach at Griffin Creek.

Every day I get to teach I gain more power and control with students. Balancing the respect for the administration and collegues. Teaching is difficult and to master the craft, one has to really devote ones life to the calling. Of course there is time for friends and family, but we must be a teacher above almost all else.

Remembering the training can be hard....identifying, remembering, organizing, notetaking, creating, summarizing, elaborating, and monitoring. All these skills will need to be applied and evualuated ever reflection one gets whence teaching. Learning is a battle attrition...can we put more effort in? Can we think differently? Can we pensively, cognitively, and methodically evolve? Answering these questions take above all else effort.

A goal of a substitute teacher to become a superintendent one day is ambitious, but why not be ambitious.

I will, I will grow, and my students will do the same!

--Mr. Belzberg

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