Tuesday, December 6, 2011

McLoughlin Middle School 12/6/2011

A Epic Teaching Day

Today I taught math to 8th graders. The students seem to be very engaged and interested. Sometimes I cannot tell whether its the teacher who has been shaping them or its my presence, maybe a combination of the two. One aspect is certain, math is a lot different then social studies. When I initially set out to teach, I wanted to do math. I had a long talk with a friend and decided that social studies would be a lot better. In the end I chose social studies, but when is the end. I have not even started teaching really. On the other side, I have been teaching ever since I decided to help a person with less knowledge then I.

Did I consider getting my math endorsement after this experience. The answer was an obvious yes. I want to get my language arts endorsement as well as math. I should have some time to prepare. Working on the farm and substitute teaching is keeping me busy and the bills paid, but I find I want more. is that not human?

After today I will have a day off, this is out of my control. One day I will get a full time teaching job and I will not get these days off, so I should be happy that I get them off once in a while. Guess it will be a farm day. Here comes pruning the apples.

This will be the last blog before I open it up on Facebook. Will my friends look at what I have been writing. My answer is most unsure...Some might look and comment others will not. I will continue to write about my experience working with the students. Trying to remember to have the utmost respect for my opportunity. Surviving each day happily...Better yet teaching these young minds the true purpose in life...follow their goals to where they want to go and by helping them get to that goal!

--Mr. Belzberg

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