Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Central Medford High School 12/7/2011

Pearl Harbor changed the world 70 years ago. FDR quoted the day as one that would live in infamy. Teaching today was great. I did run across something today that was worth discussing.

A teacher who has been working with the students was helping a student. No big deal right...what was odd to me was this teacher was typing the students paper for him. Is this right, wrong, is it a form of cheating. How? A teacher is typing while the student dictates. No harm there...I'm not going to say that I have never taking a short cut or taking the easy road at times. Truth be known its human nature to control the environment so that life is easier.

My concern is that as a teacher we are to help the students reach the next level, grasp the next idea, create goals and achieve them. Are we selling our students out by doing the work for them? Do we inhibit their devolpment more by doing to much. Maybe as a teacher we need to let the students do more of the work, after all there can be no gain if there is no personal effort.

You must try to we prevent the students from learning when we do to much of the cognitive work?

We must above all else teach...therefore we must let the students learn....however that may be.

In conclusion, let the students do more rather than less, they will thank you later!

~~Mr. Belzberg

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