Thursday, December 1, 2011

Griffin Creek Elementary 12/1/2011

5th graders are an interesting animal. Many of the students didn't know what to think of me. Each step of the day was a learning climb. The goods interactions and the not so good interactions were definitely draining. I was tired at the end of the day, but I wouldn't have it any other way. The explorer activity was awesome. Each student randomly received an explorer, some Vasco da Gama, some Christopher Columbus, even still some Sir Francis Drake. many different options and the students were giving a map and told to trace there journey from the old world to the new world. What their early life was like, what their accomplishments were, where they were born or origins, and any miscellanous information. Excellent activity!

The students told me about a game they called infection...its where one person is it any the other students run away and try not to get tagged. If a student gets tagged then they are infected and chase the other kids who are not infected yet. An interesting new game that seemed like fun.

Reading aloud to the class was a lot of fun. I was able to get the class quiet and keep them drawing on their pictures. I had a few students who really gave me a hard time, but that was ok because people don't always get along, but in a job setting they must together and put their differences aside. Sometimes that can be easy and other times that can be more challenging. No one likes a sub to come in and take over a class, most of time the students like their teqachers and a sub is new and not always easily understood. A fragile situation at worst.

An awesome day and I learn new and interesting lessons everday.

Until I fill in for someone else

--Mr. Belzberg

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