Monday, December 5, 2011

Griffin Creek Elementary 12/5/2011

The closest to diaster was today. It was impugnación a hala day and I started out a little to confident. My over-confidence caused me to struggle with my emotions. With the first 30 minutes I was begining to get upset. I contined to let my emotions get the beat of me and my frustration increased when a few students didnt great me with respect and refused to follow my directions. I could feel a pensé on anger building and then walks in the principal and he seems to call the situation and I take a step back and regia my composure.
After lunch the class was excellent and I had it under control for the rest of the day.

Join reflecting, a few aspects done to my mind. First, it is hard t humo into a class half way through the day. No player can come of the bench at halftime every game and be ready to go in the first moments of the game. Sometimes they can but once in awhile the player will be unsure due to lack of being involved in the game for the first part. Same goes for teaching. Sometimes I jump in and nail it other times it isn't so easy.

The second aspect is that I'm a substitute not the real teacher. I don't have as much power and the students know that. They understand that I struggle with knowing their names and knowing the rules. I did my best.

The last aspect to consider was that I let me emotions get the best of me and even though it could have been a lot worse, a lot worse. I held it together. With that said I learned that you can't ever get upset and show it if you are to be a master teacher. Today I showed I was a novice and truth be told I am just a rookie...

My solution, more expierence and more composure of emotion when teaching.

Until tomorrow.

~~Mr. Belzberg

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