Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Mcloghlin Middle School 1/31/2012

Finally teaching social studies today. A huge effort was needed to succeed in such a difficult environment. Students tended to be very respectful after I stepped up and asserted myself. Such a critical theme throughout teaching is having high expectations and demanded them. A great teacher must above all, hold themselves in high esteem and regard with strong confidence.

There was a lesson today that might have been the most impacting thus far in my experiences. It was about a boy in africa who was trapped to work for food and live in extreme poverty. Such abuse is not seen in the United States very often. What this boy wanted above all else was to go to school and learn how to read and write. A very sad story and one about being grateful for how awesome we have it.

The staff and students are always so exceptionally friendly and inspiring. I enjoy going there and would like nothing better than to work there full time.

--Mr. Belzberg

Monday, January 30, 2012

Griffin Creek Elementary 1/30/2012

ELL teaching today. Mi nombre es Mr. Belzberg. Yo tengo un mascota. Me gusta jugar al futbol con mis amigos. My introduction was in Spanish and anything else I could think of was also in that language. The students enjoyed my attempt at speaking their language and I might have learned more than the students today. With that said, many of the students I taught today were really engaged and seemed to really internalize many of the lessons in the book and from me.

Teaching is a challenge, but adding a language barrier causes there to be an extra challenge. Now most would say that this would inhibit the outcome of effectiveness. However, I disagree. The more the cognitive functions are engaged, the higher efficiency of learning occurs. The more integration that takes place the better. More connections and if they can be meaningful. The knowledge will be shared and reproduced, which is the goal.

If I put out my best effort then there really isn't much I can be upset or complain about. Everyday should be a full effort and to give whatever I can. This will never quite be enough, but it will have to do and some way some how this will impact many students to go on and be success stories.

--Mr. Belzberg

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Ashland Middle School 1/28/2012

The first day being in a different school district. Some aspects they share in common is the fundamental core values. Safe, respectful, and responsible. This shared charachteristic is one that breaks barriers in places and regions. Its a type of social pattern. The first belief is safety. How can students and people be happy if they are unsafe or their basic needs are not met. All organizations should keep that principle numero uno. The second association between the two districts in that students should be reponsible. If one is to achieve and accomplish then they must take responsibility for their actions. A very critical aspect to all learning is facing the man in the mirror, or woman. The last fundamental principle is respect. Respect is something that should be shared with one another. For all confidence and artistic purposes, their must be respect.

One contrast that I found was that ashland seemed to overtly stress taking risks. This concept is interesting because when I think of taking risks in an academic setting I think challenging texts, difficult problems, complex relationships. Learning can be as easy as taking intiative or much more challenging, meaning making intiative. Risk taking is a very opptimistic view...picking and choosing is equally critical when seeking out goal achievement.

Another aspect that was heavy on my mind and heart was my dads surgery. I was very worried about him and it sounds like he is going to get better. Thank no other than god for hope.

~~Mr. Belzberg

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Griffin Creek Elementary 1/25/2012

Hablo esponal. Today was a day for ELL learning. I was speaking as much Spanish as English and learning a lot about language and being a leader of the languages. I felt that it was really great to be speaking both languages and trying to help students learn their English better. All the while my Spanish improved. I really enjoyed teaching in a small class environment. There was a lot of different ages and different youngsters who came into the ELL room today. Many of whom were able to see a new face and interact with someone who tried to speak their language. I really felt that the students were well behaved and new what their were supposed to be doing. I think the ELL students need more opportunities to blend the two languages. Making more bridges between Spanish on one side and English on the other. Whatever type of exposure these students can get that enables them to learn both languages will give them a huge benefit over all the other students their going to be competing with for jobs in 10 15 years.

I also learn when I go to Griffin Creek. Whether its what I want to learn, possibly not. The lessons and virtues that are instilled in that school are ones that have been given to me since I was first in school. Lessons that have made me who I am. The time I have spent there has molded me into the human being I'm today. Any way I can give those students the same experience I have had will be very useful and pivotal for their success.

In closing I would like to say, every opportunity we get to teach means that we need to and most importantly we must deliver some idea or lesson that will improve the lives of these young students. Whatever it is, doesn't matter how small or how big. The key is teach with every single moment.

--Mr. Belzberg

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Central Medford High School 1/24/12

A half day at Central Medford High. Great students and much of the class was productive. I felt that I made a couple of great contributions to a couple of students. Much of the students I teach I have very little time to interact and share wisdom with. However, I was given a chance today and I encouraged one student to pursue his goals and dreams. I might have made a great impact. The only real question now is will this student follow through. I want to succeed for him, but I can't do it. The student needs to walk through the door. I'm exited about much of these youngsters lives.

I feel as though much of the Central Medford High School policy is effective. Students come to class they work and are productive, they learn as much as they can. They strive for success and they get credit. They put in so many days of actual school work and they pass. Similar to North and South Medford. I would like all the students to show up and be there, but that is out of my control.

What did I learn today? Given an opportunity to instruct however, different and unconventional it is. Take it and go for the most profound message you can share. With that, you can only sit back and smile.

--Mr. Belzberg

Monday, January 23, 2012

Hedrick Middle School 1/23/2011

Teaching Math...What a challenge for me as a social studies teacher. What do I remember about math. Lots of things. What could I remember on the spot in front of 30 penetrating stares? Not as much as I wanted too. Although, I wasn't totally unprepared. I knew a thing or two in order to teach what I had to. The more I remember about math the more I remember how I liked it. A long time ago when deciding which focus I wanted to have...I decided on social studies due to a friends advice. What I really longed for was math. Now I have the opportunity to get my math endorsement and teach the subject I set out too.

In confines of time and knowledge. If I was offered a job teaching science, I would learn and teach that subject. Any subject to me is interesting and fun and I intend to integrate all subjects into my classroom. The real challenge will be to get other teachers in my department to follow with the same theme. Working with peers is crucial and if its a difficulty getting my students to do what I want them too then getting other teachers to do what I want will be an even greater feat.

First thing is first, a teaching job is the goal and the focus. However I can accomplish that I need to strive for. My energy should be spent on getting that job and whatever I can do in my professional life (which is the entire public domain) I will need to do.

The students today were great and the most memorable moment came in third period. The class was noisy, nothing out of the ordinary. A teacher walked in and yelled at them and something clicked. He had expectations that were higher than other classrooms I had been. he demanded and shouted for a quiet classroom. In all my previous experience I was unable to demand such respect. After that class period I was more determined and did as the great example had done. Long story short, it worked and I think this skill will be very useful in future jobs.

--Mr. Belzberg :)

Friday, January 20, 2012

Central Medford High School 1/20/2012

,Social studies is the subject of choice, its what I waqnted to teach. Only trouble today was I didn't do much teaching. I basically monitored students doing there work. Fairkly easy but I don't think I gain more knowledge and experience teaching when I don't actually make an impact. However, maybe I do make a bigger impact than I think.

I was able to interact with many students today and they were awesome. I might have learned a lot today, I just didn't kniow it conciously. Truth be told, the more time I spend with the students the better I become at managing professional relationships, which is a sensitive task.

All in all I had a great time and maybe I might have made a bigger difference then I think.

--Mr. Belzberg

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Hedrick Middle School 1/19/2011

Not only did I experience the small classroom environment, much of my day was spent with individual students. Today was almost a tutoring day. Working one on one with students with assignments from other classes. I felt like a teacher, I acted like a teacher, most importantly I taught what seemed right. The two students I mainly worked with today were excellent. They were bright, but in a resource room. Meaning they had some sort of deficiency. Whether it was minor, student not doing there homework, or more major, student with a cognitive issue.

I enjoyed my time working with students of all ages. If I was asked what type of teaching I wanted to do, I would most certainly say the class with the most learners who desire to learn. Whether the students have some sort of disorder or they are 55 years old. No matter to me. I want to teach and reaching as far as I can to help students. This to me is my destiny and calling.

One student was doing an assignment on Greek Gods and i couldn't help, but think how interested he was today. Totally engaged, curious, desiring to know more, this student was inspiring. I wanted to learn about this topic because of his enthusiasm. It was awesome.

Another student was learning about math. she had a big test coming up and wanted to pass it. She told me last night how she studied and had asked for help from her family, but was still unsure about surface area. I was worried and all morning I tried to teach her what she needed to know to be successful on her test. A bright girl, I wonder how she did today.

Anther student I worked with was learning about volume of prisms. Remember the formula B x H x L is a difficult concept, when you try to find the surface area of a prism the formula becomes 2ab + 2bc + 2ac. He struggled, but by the end he had it down.

All the students I worked with today were incredible I might not have changed much in their lives, but I probably made a minor impact. Maybe my optimistic influence helped them be better people and gain a stronger life-man-ship. who knows, only the whispers of the wind.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Griffin Creek Elementary 1/13/2012

Primary school. The very begining of all education for these students in is these years. I had a student teacher who was in control of the class during the morning and I had them during the afternoon. They were not onoly a challenge, but ver unruly at times. I might of been at a struggle for most part of the class. This was one of my most challenging teaching experiences thus far. I really wanted to do a better job, but the environment isn't also set for a sub.

I lo ve going back to Griffin Creek and if given the opportunity to go back to that class I would walk in and own it. Each day is different and somtimes you grab the bull by the horns and wrestle to the ground, other times you get the horns.

Until again, step by step until my time is done,

Mr. Belzberg

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

south medford high school 1/11/2012

What a day. The students were impressive. Respectful and for the most part responsible. Could have been more of an enforcer, but as the classes progessed no major issues arose. I feel like I'm selling myslef short every time I walk into a class and try to survive rather than inspire. I could have expected more and pushed harder, but for half the day an very small window of impact can be made. When the teachable moments come I need to make sure and shine in those instances. Sometimes I feel like I let myself down when I don't make the best meaning from a story or I don't have the best delivery when speaking. I try to do my best, but it still needs improvement.

Learning to be a master teacher could take a life time and with the begining of this career dimly lit with no job and only subbing here and there its hard to really begin learning the trade. No matter the content I want to be the best and excel and what I do, continual mistakes in one aspect or another in life keep holding me back. As a human we are destined to be imperfect and thus reaction to mistakes are unexopected events is vital in success.

As for the next time I teach I need to be more cautious what I say when I open my mouth. More thoughful in my behavoir. More meaningful in my efforts.

-Mr. Belzberg

Friday, January 6, 2012

Hedrick Middle School 1/4/2012

Today I taught Language Arts or English. I was able to get the classroom from such a long holiday break. Not only was I rusty, but very nervous. I tried to turn that nervous energy into enthusiasim. I couldn't have been happier with how the day went. All the students were respectful and some nice comments were made. A student walking through the hall saw me lecturing and said to me, "your the best sub" I was caught of gaurd and called him a goober and told him to get back to class. Reflecting upon the situation I should have said only thanks instead of making a not so nice comment back. Sometimes an unexpected moment throws you off.

The other incident that was worth noting was one student in the 7th period class was very interested in me. In my classroom management policy if a student does the right thing in class they are rewarded and if they misbehave there are consequences. Either way students have to stay after. I had one student in this last period say to me, "what if I want to stay afte?" My response was, "no reason to hang out with Mr. Belzberg, when you can hang out with your friends before catching a bus." I handed out the assignment and told the students you must finish this before leaving. This student didn't finish and hung around after class to chat and ask questions. Super kind and very warm feeling to know these youngsters want to spend more time with you.

The topic today was "The Cay" a great book. The teacher had a few chapters on an audio tape and I played the chapters and they listened and answered questions. A very effective way to teach reading. Students were quiet and on task. A wonderful day back and most likely more ahead!

Hedrick Middle School