Friday, January 6, 2012

Hedrick Middle School 1/4/2012

Today I taught Language Arts or English. I was able to get the classroom from such a long holiday break. Not only was I rusty, but very nervous. I tried to turn that nervous energy into enthusiasim. I couldn't have been happier with how the day went. All the students were respectful and some nice comments were made. A student walking through the hall saw me lecturing and said to me, "your the best sub" I was caught of gaurd and called him a goober and told him to get back to class. Reflecting upon the situation I should have said only thanks instead of making a not so nice comment back. Sometimes an unexpected moment throws you off.

The other incident that was worth noting was one student in the 7th period class was very interested in me. In my classroom management policy if a student does the right thing in class they are rewarded and if they misbehave there are consequences. Either way students have to stay after. I had one student in this last period say to me, "what if I want to stay afte?" My response was, "no reason to hang out with Mr. Belzberg, when you can hang out with your friends before catching a bus." I handed out the assignment and told the students you must finish this before leaving. This student didn't finish and hung around after class to chat and ask questions. Super kind and very warm feeling to know these youngsters want to spend more time with you.

The topic today was "The Cay" a great book. The teacher had a few chapters on an audio tape and I played the chapters and they listened and answered questions. A very effective way to teach reading. Students were quiet and on task. A wonderful day back and most likely more ahead!

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