Wednesday, January 11, 2012

south medford high school 1/11/2012

What a day. The students were impressive. Respectful and for the most part responsible. Could have been more of an enforcer, but as the classes progessed no major issues arose. I feel like I'm selling myslef short every time I walk into a class and try to survive rather than inspire. I could have expected more and pushed harder, but for half the day an very small window of impact can be made. When the teachable moments come I need to make sure and shine in those instances. Sometimes I feel like I let myself down when I don't make the best meaning from a story or I don't have the best delivery when speaking. I try to do my best, but it still needs improvement.

Learning to be a master teacher could take a life time and with the begining of this career dimly lit with no job and only subbing here and there its hard to really begin learning the trade. No matter the content I want to be the best and excel and what I do, continual mistakes in one aspect or another in life keep holding me back. As a human we are destined to be imperfect and thus reaction to mistakes are unexopected events is vital in success.

As for the next time I teach I need to be more cautious what I say when I open my mouth. More thoughful in my behavoir. More meaningful in my efforts.

-Mr. Belzberg

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