Thursday, January 19, 2012

Hedrick Middle School 1/19/2011

Not only did I experience the small classroom environment, much of my day was spent with individual students. Today was almost a tutoring day. Working one on one with students with assignments from other classes. I felt like a teacher, I acted like a teacher, most importantly I taught what seemed right. The two students I mainly worked with today were excellent. They were bright, but in a resource room. Meaning they had some sort of deficiency. Whether it was minor, student not doing there homework, or more major, student with a cognitive issue.

I enjoyed my time working with students of all ages. If I was asked what type of teaching I wanted to do, I would most certainly say the class with the most learners who desire to learn. Whether the students have some sort of disorder or they are 55 years old. No matter to me. I want to teach and reaching as far as I can to help students. This to me is my destiny and calling.

One student was doing an assignment on Greek Gods and i couldn't help, but think how interested he was today. Totally engaged, curious, desiring to know more, this student was inspiring. I wanted to learn about this topic because of his enthusiasm. It was awesome.

Another student was learning about math. she had a big test coming up and wanted to pass it. She told me last night how she studied and had asked for help from her family, but was still unsure about surface area. I was worried and all morning I tried to teach her what she needed to know to be successful on her test. A bright girl, I wonder how she did today.

Anther student I worked with was learning about volume of prisms. Remember the formula B x H x L is a difficult concept, when you try to find the surface area of a prism the formula becomes 2ab + 2bc + 2ac. He struggled, but by the end he had it down.

All the students I worked with today were incredible I might not have changed much in their lives, but I probably made a minor impact. Maybe my optimistic influence helped them be better people and gain a stronger life-man-ship. who knows, only the whispers of the wind.

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