Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Griffin Creek Elementary 1/25/2012

Hablo esponal. Today was a day for ELL learning. I was speaking as much Spanish as English and learning a lot about language and being a leader of the languages. I felt that it was really great to be speaking both languages and trying to help students learn their English better. All the while my Spanish improved. I really enjoyed teaching in a small class environment. There was a lot of different ages and different youngsters who came into the ELL room today. Many of whom were able to see a new face and interact with someone who tried to speak their language. I really felt that the students were well behaved and new what their were supposed to be doing. I think the ELL students need more opportunities to blend the two languages. Making more bridges between Spanish on one side and English on the other. Whatever type of exposure these students can get that enables them to learn both languages will give them a huge benefit over all the other students their going to be competing with for jobs in 10 15 years.

I also learn when I go to Griffin Creek. Whether its what I want to learn, possibly not. The lessons and virtues that are instilled in that school are ones that have been given to me since I was first in school. Lessons that have made me who I am. The time I have spent there has molded me into the human being I'm today. Any way I can give those students the same experience I have had will be very useful and pivotal for their success.

In closing I would like to say, every opportunity we get to teach means that we need to and most importantly we must deliver some idea or lesson that will improve the lives of these young students. Whatever it is, doesn't matter how small or how big. The key is teach with every single moment.

--Mr. Belzberg

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