Monday, January 23, 2012

Hedrick Middle School 1/23/2011

Teaching Math...What a challenge for me as a social studies teacher. What do I remember about math. Lots of things. What could I remember on the spot in front of 30 penetrating stares? Not as much as I wanted too. Although, I wasn't totally unprepared. I knew a thing or two in order to teach what I had to. The more I remember about math the more I remember how I liked it. A long time ago when deciding which focus I wanted to have...I decided on social studies due to a friends advice. What I really longed for was math. Now I have the opportunity to get my math endorsement and teach the subject I set out too.

In confines of time and knowledge. If I was offered a job teaching science, I would learn and teach that subject. Any subject to me is interesting and fun and I intend to integrate all subjects into my classroom. The real challenge will be to get other teachers in my department to follow with the same theme. Working with peers is crucial and if its a difficulty getting my students to do what I want them too then getting other teachers to do what I want will be an even greater feat.

First thing is first, a teaching job is the goal and the focus. However I can accomplish that I need to strive for. My energy should be spent on getting that job and whatever I can do in my professional life (which is the entire public domain) I will need to do.

The students today were great and the most memorable moment came in third period. The class was noisy, nothing out of the ordinary. A teacher walked in and yelled at them and something clicked. He had expectations that were higher than other classrooms I had been. he demanded and shouted for a quiet classroom. In all my previous experience I was unable to demand such respect. After that class period I was more determined and did as the great example had done. Long story short, it worked and I think this skill will be very useful in future jobs.

--Mr. Belzberg :)

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