Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Mcloghlin Middle School 1/31/2012

Finally teaching social studies today. A huge effort was needed to succeed in such a difficult environment. Students tended to be very respectful after I stepped up and asserted myself. Such a critical theme throughout teaching is having high expectations and demanded them. A great teacher must above all, hold themselves in high esteem and regard with strong confidence.

There was a lesson today that might have been the most impacting thus far in my experiences. It was about a boy in africa who was trapped to work for food and live in extreme poverty. Such abuse is not seen in the United States very often. What this boy wanted above all else was to go to school and learn how to read and write. A very sad story and one about being grateful for how awesome we have it.

The staff and students are always so exceptionally friendly and inspiring. I enjoy going there and would like nothing better than to work there full time.

--Mr. Belzberg

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