Thursday, February 2, 2012

North Medford High School 2/2/2012

A huge boost for me occurred when I learned I was teaching social studies. The lesson today was a video about the children in Uganda. This film was called the "Invisible Children" this film was an eye opening documentary. I was extremely surprised at what I witnessed was happening in Africa. I couldn't believe that children had lifestyles that were so drastically different than we Americans have. A huge discrepancy in how rich our lives our and how impoverished thiers are.

I couldn't hammer into the students the key theme the video had which was how lucky and grateful us Americans are. I think an under tone of the video was most likely to help and support what's going on over there. The question I was hopeing for was, how can I get involved and help.

As teachers our goal is to shape the youth to lead lives of warmth and success. To be well rounded and prepared citizens. This LRA in Uganda was doing the exact opposite. They are trying to destroy the youth with violence and overwhelm them with fear. I think anyone who helps stop this evil is doing the righteous thing.

A new for me was a student who left in the first 10 minutes of class and didn't come back until the class was over. He was gone for over an hour. This student missed out on a huge lesson and a great video. I feel sad to say he didn't get to see such a crucial issue that is happening in the world we live in.

Until I teach again.

Mr. Belzberg

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