Monday, February 20, 2012

Central Medford High School 2/17/12

Today I taught Social studies...the greatest subject of all time. The students were making posters about population. From what I gathered the assignment was to make a poster about a picture or graph that displayed some sort of connection to population. Some students used political cartoons while others used food supply vs population. Many of the posters were great and the students seemed to really like the assignment.

The other assignment was for the students to create their own power points about a u.s. national park. Again, the students liked this and since there were enough computers for each student the plan was excellent. I enjoyed this assignment because it allowed for me to really help students one on one.

Teaching at an alt school is very different than at the "regular" schools. Students behave different, teachers have different expectations, and the "feel" of the school is very different. With that said the students and staff are very similar with other schools. The students want to learn do their work and move on to the next grade or graduate. The teachers want to help and inspire and whatever way they can they will achieve this.

I enjoy this type of atmosphere because the student to teacher ratio isn't to overwhelming and the students need more help than the other students at the local high schools. I'd be happy tow work with whatever group of kids I'm assigned too..

--Mr. Belzberg

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