Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Griffin Creek Elementary 2/8/2012

A different type of subbing job than usual. I was covering a special ed classroom with only 9 students and 2 extra aides. A lot of help and at times its very needed. I really enjoyed being able to work one on one with many of the students. I gave a hand wherever I could, but it seems at times to easy. I like it and I can't complain which such a nice set-up. Compared to farm work its soft. Physically of course. Mentally it is very demanded. I might not be sore at the end of the day, but my mind is exhausted.

We did a lot today, art was the highlight. We painted masks and that was super awesome. It was very pleasant to see the students lose themselves in art. I was even given the chance to paint. It made me feel like a kid again and at times that is the best part about teaching.

We did a lot of math and one on one work. We did reading at the end of the day and I felt like the lunch room was way better than previous ones I have been in. If a teacher loves their job then it shows, if they aren't into it then it wont be enjoyable and wont make the individual very happy. Granted there are good days and bad days.

I really like my old elementary school. Funny thing today, I messed up on the pledge of allegiance. The part where its "under god, indivisible with liberty and justice for all" I said indivisible first. I'm a knuckle head, I laughed at mysefl and anyone who else would have thought it very hilarious.

--Mr. Belzberg

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