Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Hedrick Middle School 2/7/2012

What a day today. The little ones the previous day and today it was junior high school students. The young men and women I worked with today are beginning to form their identities. A huge part of growing up is how you fit into the world and how you define yourself.

The first part was SSR and advisory. The students watched a video of a few of their peers singing. A great song, the only thing is they chose an uncle kracker song that is about sleeping with another mans wife. Not the greatest message, but sometimes its all about the song.

The rest of the classes were all either Algebra or Pre-Alegbra. I taught very little about math, but I did tell a few stories about looking ahead and also taking life one step at a time. Seemed Ironic I met a student who hurt himself on the bunny hill which is the beginning level. This philosophical ideals are never a panacea for life. They are just guidelines.

I told a story about when I was in junior high and I skateboarded. It was good and enjoyable a few of the stories I told, one including the bees on the orchard were entertaining at the least. Maybe they learned something. I hope!

All in all a good day, some of the students were a little nit picky and mean at times, but 7-10 times they are super nice. Part of the job I guess.

--Mr. Belzberg

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