Thursday, March 22, 2012

Griffin Creek Elementary 3/22/2012

Third Grade
8 hours

A very precarious day. Things were uncertain and very distressing at times. If some serious events happened that I feel not so happy about. Although I had no action in the bad events that happened. A few of my students were misbehaving and I feel as though I was totally oblvious. I'm not happy about it, but on it will not destroy how I feel entirely. A mistake by students that I wish would not have happened.

class went well today and the students earned cookies. They will most likely be rewarded tomorrow and it should be a great day!

Go 2k

Mr. Belzberg

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Griffin Creek Elementary 3/21/2012

Third Grade
Total time: 8 hours

Today was the big day for the lesson I have planning called food through culture. The students were excited and so was I. We basically discussed how each region had different food for various reasons. One station was Africa where the Millet which is a drought resistant grain grows there. Its is specific to this region becuase there is not a lot of rain and thus they grow millet there. In China I had tofu which was a meat substitute for many buddhist who are against eating me. The tofu is rich in protein and tastes like meat. In New Zealand Kiwis are grown there and it is a very intersting place to grow consider the Kiwis were not started there orignally. The Kiwis are mass cultivated there for richer countries to enjoy. A bit of colonial history. In peru they cultivate Cacao which is very bitter and what many of us eat mixed with butter and sugar. This crop is more commonly called chocalate. The cacao was very valuable and traded for other crops and goods. A source of money or way to standardize the way things were wieghted in trades.

I learned today that all of the work I have done these last three weeks will not help me in improving my chances in gaining an elementary endorsement. However, whatever is not gained in one way is gained in experience. So thus, it will all work out.

--Mr. Belzberg

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Griffin Creek Elementary 3/20/2012

Third Grade
Total time: 8 hours

Another great day, however I was not expecting as much off behavior as there was today. The teacher was definitely right about how students begin to act different the closer they get to spring break. I’m going to give them the math assessment tomorrow or the next. I think they are ready and I’m hoping that the teacher won’t have to re-teach much if at all. Reading has been going great and many students will be taking the test early because they are leaving for vacation early. Tomorrow is art and I have a fun shape cut and paste assignment that a veteran teacher gave me. the principal is coming in to observe in the afternoon and I will be planning a special social studies activity.

I’m going to have four stations with a different food in each. The food will be specific to a region of the world. For example, New Zealand – Kiwi. In each station there will be an excerpt they will have to read and make observations, answer questions, and think about. I’m very excited and I’m hoping it will be successful.

I also made sure that I would not include any raisins or peanuts in the food.

Kiwis – New Zealand
Tofu – China
Starfruit / Mango – S. America
Couscous - Africa

Hope everything is great, the students mentioned Angus today. :)


Monday, March 19, 2012

Griffin Creek Elementary 3/19/2012

Third Grade
Total Time: 8 hours

Class was very different today. There were 5 students absent. The class was very quiet and much more manageable than normal. We did number corner and I’m planning on giving them that number corner exam Thursday or Friday. Reading groups were great. Spelling test and Math was great. Due to Oaks there was no library time so we played a math game. I was very pleased with the science assignment and for journal time I had them edit, what they have been writing.

What a difficult task to teach young people how to think and behave... A task that has to be reflected and approached in a problem solving way over and over again.

--Mr. Belzberg

Friday, March 16, 2012

Griffin Creek Elementary 3/16/2012

Third Grade
Total Time 8 hours

The end of a great week. I was finally able to speak with a specific student's mom. She came in to do homework folder and I think we made some progress. I’m hoping to make changes in his behavior in class. If his mom can help then the chance for success will increase. many students were amazing today. The whole week she behaves above and beyond. One studentis doing everything that is asked and more with no complaints. I’m enjoying being a part of these young peoples lives. I think it has been very rewarding and I’m so grateful for this opportunity to take over while you were gone. The students still really miss there normal teacher and continue to ask when she is coming back. The parents are asking about the main classroom teacher. Everyone misses you and wants her to come back. There is no substitute for that kind of love.

Get well soon!

Michael Belzberg

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Griffin Creek Elementary 3/15/2012

Total Time 8 hours
Third Grade

Today was another great day. I had many students demonstrate successful behavior and academic work. I was pleased at how the reading went. We finished up much of the packets and watched the community video. A great lesson. Math was exciting, we learned about congruency before music. Music was sweet. Social studies was Time for Kids again which was enjoyable. We did a debate, many students like it, but others might not have. I’m uncertain how they liked the activity. Journaling went fine.

I had a great time today and many things went well. I think the students were a little nervous about their first debate. I enjoyed it, the next time we do it, we will be better becuase we lacked the comfort level with it due to not doing anything like that yet.

Tomorrow I'm thinking roll plays again and I will figure something out.

Until tomorrow

--Mr. Belzberg

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Griffin Creek Elementary 3/14/2012

Third Grade
Total Time: 8 hours

Best day thus far was today! Intro went very well and students were awesome in number corner. We did partner measuring objects in the room and once they had the length and width they were to find the area and perimeter. Reading went smooth with Mrs. A and Tara. The students had time to work on the leveled reader worksheets and most if not all turned it in and did a great job. Math was awesome we did a subtraction game and it seemed to motivate them more than normal. I followed the session 10 closely, but used a game instead of what they had. Art was a lot of fun for all the students. We built paper sculptures and everybody was happy with no complaints. Social studies was what we did for the last part of the day. Short day which meant lots of going over plans.

No major behavior issues. The students got enough points for a bubble gum party during read aloud. The students earned it and they have been doing splendid thus far. I'm encouraged with how well they can do and I'm going to be expecting great learning the next week and half.

--Mr. Belzberg

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Griffin Creek Elementary 3/13/2012

Third Grade
Total time: 8 hours

Today was another great day!

We started out the same and nothing out of the ordinary happened other than instead of going to the library we had joined another thrid grade teacher for P.E. because we went to the libary yesterday. I’m having a great time thus far. I catch myself teaching to a different audience at times. At times I think they can learn like high school age students until a student asks me how pretty her four leaf clover is. These little guys are a joy, and keeping them focused and busy is a challenge.

IROTCIM Lessons continue!

We are keeping up with in math and in reading.

--Mr. Belzberg

Monday, March 12, 2012

Griffin Creek Elementary 3/12/2012

Total Time: 8 hours
Thrid Grade

I took home all the work the students did last week and graded all of it except for the comprehension test. I couldn’t find the answer key so I was unable to get that done. Many students are not turning much in. I’m concerned and want to change that. I’m hoping to get much more work turned in this week and the following week. I will have a print out of all the assignments with the grades and percent’s for the teacher when she return.

A great morning. We started the day discussing turning in work and how excited I was to see them all again. We did number corner and have done a great job keeping up with that. Reading went very well today. Each group rotated and I was unable to finish the level readers with both groups. I found the decodable and will have an extra assignment for that group on Wednesday. Reading aloud was excellent and math has been up and down. I’m only on session 8 and trying to keep up has been a challenge. I will continue to work through each session and try to get the students to learn deeper rather than shallow. I don’t want the teacher to come back and have to reteach, I’m hoping that the teacher will be able to move forward when she gets back. Library was fine and Junior achievement went great. We did science this afternoon and that was enjoyable. Great day.

A couple tantrums were thrown by male student today during reading and a staff member wrote him a referral. I was planning on doing it as well and I think it was the best course of action. He has been crying and throwing tantrums much more than any student his age should. He seems to not like having consequences for his misbehavior, which is the result of any misbehavior. I will continue to work him and I’m planning on calling his parents tonight.

No major issues other than that.

I’m looking forward to another week and really like the story this week. Hope all is well with the teacher I'm covering for and that she is feeling better and improving each day.

Michael Belzberg

Friday, March 9, 2012

Griffin Creek Elementary 3/9/2012

Total Time: 8 hours
Thrid Grade

Looking forward to grading this weekend. I will try to get it all setup for the teacher who I'm subbing for when I get back. Hopefully in piles and have it super organized so that when she comes back the work will be easy to sift through. What effort grade they get, and what number grade they get and so on and so forth. I plan on taking all the work they did and giving them a typed out grading summary that they can give to their parents and for them to look also. My question is, should I give them that typed piece of paper with their scores and their grades or should I give them back their work graded and keep the typed paper with all their grades and summaries. Either way I want to keep something that shows you when you get back what to put into the grade book and something for each student to take that shows them and their parents how their doing.

I had a great day today. I was thinking about how to best teach the 2nd steps and nothing jumped out at me immediately so I bought 6 milk cartons from the cafeteria and told them that if they can do a good job with their skits that I will chug a milk. They seemed to like it and it was fun. Test went well and math was great. I won’t really know how they do until after I grade all their tests. So I hope they are all high scores.

Number corner, reading, math, P.E. health, and journaling all were great today. It was an awesome day and very enjoyable to teach.

The whole day was quick and was over before I had a chance to reflect.

What a great week has come and gone. I'm excited to continue to work with this group for another two weeks.

--Mr. Belzberg

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Griffin Creek Elementary 3/8/2012

Total time 8 hours

Today we started out very strong. The intro went well and number corner was great. I had the students pair up and they went around the room with a ruler and a piece of paper and measure objects in the room. Looking for the width and the length so they could find the perimeter and the area. Reading went well. We finished almost the entire packet and went over some phonics. I think the students are ready for the test. I’m crossing my fingers they all will do great. Read aloud has been awesome. Hank is keeping all of our interest. Math was ok, I think many students are still figuring out the symmetry. Hopefully by the end of tomorrow they will have mastered symmetry. Music was great! Lunch is always good. Social studies went well and journaling was great. I let the students go outside so they could journal. We shared and wrote in the sun. They all seemed to really enjoy it.

Many students are reluctant to do work and I really want to change that. I'm continually encouraging them and it can be very exhausting. I hope they can learn to be self-motivated soon.

Things that went well was the reading and socail studies. I hope there is science tomorrow because that was the best lesson we have had thus far. The group and partner work we did was a blast. The students like to talk and work together. The more partner work I give them the better they learn and develop their social skills. After all school is more than just cognitive growth. It is also social growth and also the learning needs to be focused on the students. Student centered is key to a successful classroom. I hope to see great learning and improvements while I'm here.

Until tomorrow,

Mr Belzberg

Until tomorrow,


Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Grffin Creek Elementary 3/7/2012

Total time: 8 hours
Thrid Grade

Another wonderful day teaching the third graders!

Today was a short day we let the students out an hour early for various reasons. I started the day off with the song and the warm up. The students seem to realy enjoy the music and schedule of today being broken down. Warm-ups have been going good. The behavioral issues that happen have been taking place in the morning time. I hope to change that sooner rather than later. The reading time was very beneficial, we read stories about Japanese culture and traditions and customs of East Asia. It was very facisinating. I thought the intrest level was high and the students seem to really concentrate when they are interested in the content. Read aloud was awesome, Hank the Cowdog Has been a great story so far and I througly enjoy reading those books. Math was like art today. The students built snowflakes and tried to figure out symmetry by couting the flakes up. I thought it made math very fun and not dry or boring. I handle the boring math very well, but most people really dislike it. Science was the last subject we learned about today. Ecosytems and Habitats, discussing living plants and animals. Non-living things in the ecosystems. A great way to end the day.

Things that went well, Science went awesome becuase I was enthuasastic and motivated. The students seemed to follow when I lead with pace and purpose. Reading was a bit slow and at times almost completely froze. The way to fix that would have been to gain some momentum. Pace is very critcal for intrest levels to remain high and students to be engaged. If its to slow then it will be boring. If its to fast than students will get too frustrated. A balance is needed for optimal learning. I think the math combined with art was fantastic. The students really seem to do an excellent job when they get to create. Learning symmetry through art was extremely smart and I enjoyed it.

I struggled with reading becuase of the lack of pace. I also had a student kick another kid, this was dealt with very sternly and quickly. This caused a major disruption that needed a consequence.

Until tomorrow:

--Mr. Belzberg

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Griffin Creek Elementary 3/6/2012

Total Time: 8 hours
Grade 3 Elementary

Knowing almost every one of the student names from when I subbed last xmas for this class enabled me to skip meeting many of the students for the first time. Learning names can take a long time. However, I had already done that so it was just review today. The lessons were organized and fun today. I have a total of three weeks and this was the first day of the first week. I'm excited to expierence teaching this great group.

Many things went well. The number corner and introduction was great. I played guitar while I sang the agenda of what we did today. The students really liked me singing the schedule. The reading went very well as well. The students were very squirmy though. I will have to find a way to make it more entertaing in the future. Math was unlike normal math becuase we wrote poetry. Knowing more about poetry would have made that assignment a lot better. So much to learn, so little time. Social studies was great. My favorite part. I had each student do a timeline. The timeline needed 7 events, with pictures, and dates. Great assignment and it was a smash.

I would change my pacing for the reading of Suki's Kimona. The lesson today was embracing your uniquness and celebrating being different. I would have hammered that theme in a little more if I had the right focus. Next time I will concentrate on the message of the day more. I would also have a quote of the day up on the board next time.

A great day and I hope to have more like it. Contining to improve and get better at teaching will be a life long process.

p.s. the discipline model was very effective. The triangle classroom managment was excellent. I need to remember to demand perfection and keep improving how it will work. Remembering to use it and monitor at all times.

--Mr. Belzberg

McLoughlin Middle School 3/1/2012

Teaching social studies!

I was able to teach once again the subject that I studied in college and the one I chose to get my teaching license in. We talked about the Frontier and Manifest Destiny. It was awesome. to explain how great the students were would be to understate how wonderful they were.

I hope to teach more middle school and hopefully get a full time position in that subject at that age level.

--Mr. Belzberg

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Central Medford High School 3/1/12

Senior English is a great course!

All about the senior project. The students knew exactly what to do today. They didn't ask for help and I didn't know the specifics of what they were working on anyway. Today was basically a monitoring day. Making sure they were working, letting them come and go to the bathroom.

I see myself in front of the class, giving lectures, teaching student about deep, life lessons. Not sitting behind a desk letting them know when they can go to the bathroom and when they must come back. I didn't go into this profession thinking I didn't want to make an impact. I went into this field to try and help the youth make the world a better place for themselves and the Earth.

My chance will come, and sooner than I think. Much sooner than I anticipate I will be doing just exactly that and leading a classroom full of hungry minds. I will need to deliver and if I fail, which won't happen, lives depend on it.

--Mr. Belzberg