Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Griffin Creek Elementary 3/6/2012

Total Time: 8 hours
Grade 3 Elementary

Knowing almost every one of the student names from when I subbed last xmas for this class enabled me to skip meeting many of the students for the first time. Learning names can take a long time. However, I had already done that so it was just review today. The lessons were organized and fun today. I have a total of three weeks and this was the first day of the first week. I'm excited to expierence teaching this great group.

Many things went well. The number corner and introduction was great. I played guitar while I sang the agenda of what we did today. The students really liked me singing the schedule. The reading went very well as well. The students were very squirmy though. I will have to find a way to make it more entertaing in the future. Math was unlike normal math becuase we wrote poetry. Knowing more about poetry would have made that assignment a lot better. So much to learn, so little time. Social studies was great. My favorite part. I had each student do a timeline. The timeline needed 7 events, with pictures, and dates. Great assignment and it was a smash.

I would change my pacing for the reading of Suki's Kimona. The lesson today was embracing your uniquness and celebrating being different. I would have hammered that theme in a little more if I had the right focus. Next time I will concentrate on the message of the day more. I would also have a quote of the day up on the board next time.

A great day and I hope to have more like it. Contining to improve and get better at teaching will be a life long process.

p.s. the discipline model was very effective. The triangle classroom managment was excellent. I need to remember to demand perfection and keep improving how it will work. Remembering to use it and monitor at all times.

--Mr. Belzberg

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