Friday, March 9, 2012

Griffin Creek Elementary 3/9/2012

Total Time: 8 hours
Thrid Grade

Looking forward to grading this weekend. I will try to get it all setup for the teacher who I'm subbing for when I get back. Hopefully in piles and have it super organized so that when she comes back the work will be easy to sift through. What effort grade they get, and what number grade they get and so on and so forth. I plan on taking all the work they did and giving them a typed out grading summary that they can give to their parents and for them to look also. My question is, should I give them that typed piece of paper with their scores and their grades or should I give them back their work graded and keep the typed paper with all their grades and summaries. Either way I want to keep something that shows you when you get back what to put into the grade book and something for each student to take that shows them and their parents how their doing.

I had a great day today. I was thinking about how to best teach the 2nd steps and nothing jumped out at me immediately so I bought 6 milk cartons from the cafeteria and told them that if they can do a good job with their skits that I will chug a milk. They seemed to like it and it was fun. Test went well and math was great. I won’t really know how they do until after I grade all their tests. So I hope they are all high scores.

Number corner, reading, math, P.E. health, and journaling all were great today. It was an awesome day and very enjoyable to teach.

The whole day was quick and was over before I had a chance to reflect.

What a great week has come and gone. I'm excited to continue to work with this group for another two weeks.

--Mr. Belzberg

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