Thursday, March 1, 2012

Central Medford High School 3/1/12

Senior English is a great course!

All about the senior project. The students knew exactly what to do today. They didn't ask for help and I didn't know the specifics of what they were working on anyway. Today was basically a monitoring day. Making sure they were working, letting them come and go to the bathroom.

I see myself in front of the class, giving lectures, teaching student about deep, life lessons. Not sitting behind a desk letting them know when they can go to the bathroom and when they must come back. I didn't go into this profession thinking I didn't want to make an impact. I went into this field to try and help the youth make the world a better place for themselves and the Earth.

My chance will come, and sooner than I think. Much sooner than I anticipate I will be doing just exactly that and leading a classroom full of hungry minds. I will need to deliver and if I fail, which won't happen, lives depend on it.

--Mr. Belzberg

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