Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Grffin Creek Elementary 3/7/2012

Total time: 8 hours
Thrid Grade

Another wonderful day teaching the third graders!

Today was a short day we let the students out an hour early for various reasons. I started the day off with the song and the warm up. The students seem to realy enjoy the music and schedule of today being broken down. Warm-ups have been going good. The behavioral issues that happen have been taking place in the morning time. I hope to change that sooner rather than later. The reading time was very beneficial, we read stories about Japanese culture and traditions and customs of East Asia. It was very facisinating. I thought the intrest level was high and the students seem to really concentrate when they are interested in the content. Read aloud was awesome, Hank the Cowdog Has been a great story so far and I througly enjoy reading those books. Math was like art today. The students built snowflakes and tried to figure out symmetry by couting the flakes up. I thought it made math very fun and not dry or boring. I handle the boring math very well, but most people really dislike it. Science was the last subject we learned about today. Ecosytems and Habitats, discussing living plants and animals. Non-living things in the ecosystems. A great way to end the day.

Things that went well, Science went awesome becuase I was enthuasastic and motivated. The students seemed to follow when I lead with pace and purpose. Reading was a bit slow and at times almost completely froze. The way to fix that would have been to gain some momentum. Pace is very critcal for intrest levels to remain high and students to be engaged. If its to slow then it will be boring. If its to fast than students will get too frustrated. A balance is needed for optimal learning. I think the math combined with art was fantastic. The students really seem to do an excellent job when they get to create. Learning symmetry through art was extremely smart and I enjoyed it.

I struggled with reading becuase of the lack of pace. I also had a student kick another kid, this was dealt with very sternly and quickly. This caused a major disruption that needed a consequence.

Until tomorrow:

--Mr. Belzberg

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