Wednesday, February 29, 2012

south medford high school 2/29/2012

Esponal ensenar

A great day of teaching a subject I'm midly familiar with. I had a great time and it was amazing at how the students got focused when I started speaking spanish.

Today was a make up day and it was an incredible afternoon. I met so many different faces and some stood out more and others were there, but had other concerns on their minds. I met a baseball player, a skateboarder, a tennis player, a basketball player, a punk. So many different groups coming together to learn a language that was so enriching. I had a great time and I was glad to be back.

--Mr. Belzberg

Hedrick Middle School 2/28/2012

Math, algebra!

I've always liked math and tend to enjoy it. We had a test today and it was very manageable. Only problem was is that the test only took 15 minutes. The rest of the class period was ssr and I wasn't able to really teach much.

Now I made the mistake of not taking on the last 30 minutes of class to do another actitvity. The time could have been spent learning and enjoying the sharing of knowledge. I should have tried to give some sort of math lesson. Hard to generate content with little prep. I wasn't able to pull something out and in the end the reading silently wasn't the worst outcome. Reading is great for some students while others love it.

Next time I will give my memory lesson or teach algorithims of math...

--Mr. Belzberg

Central Medford High School 2/27/2012

Teaching English today and what an experience it was. I had a very interesting experience in first period. I was surprised at how much emotion and passion I have for these students. Its amazing how much I care even though I tend not to show it.

We learned about grammar, the bermuda triangle, and correct verb tenses. Ended the day with read 180 and small group work on preparing for an exam.

Great day, shaky at the start, but ended well.

--Mr. Belzberg

Central Medford High School 2/24/2012

Friday, teaching social studies. Dances with wolves. Great major issues. Students had a lot of fun at pe.

I find it hard to break the surface when you don't get a chance to really get interact with the students. At times subbing can be an easy day. Other times it can be the real thing.

I'm excited for a great weekend.

--Mr. Belzberg

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Griffin Creek Elementary 2/23/2012

I apoligize up front for the fact that the last two posts have been very short. Limited time...

Today I taught at griffin creek and the students began to get to know me a little more. I was very pleased with the students desire to get to know me and learn from me. Although I found the more they learned the more comfortable they began to get with me. This tends to lead to more disrespectful behavior which I do not ever want. A teacher must be a jerk in order to raise test scores...bull shi....I think there is a way to love them and teach them at the same time. Does fire and brimstone work...perhaps... do optimism and concentration on tasks make for higher test scores...perhaps.

What is at the key of, knowledge construction...what is it? And why is it so hard to figure a panacea for it?

Today was the first day I have ever eaten lunch with the students. They were in there reading and I was very pleased with there ability to communicate and hang out. I was able to meet a few of them and they were great. Its to bad I wasn't able to eat lunch with them everyday and really get to know them and build lasting positive impacts on them.

School can be fun if the teacher, staff, and peers are nice and encourage learning. Meanwhile school can be the worst place a 4th grader knows in the whole world if the people around them don't love and encourage the best learning and behavior.

Another day another step in what will hopefully become a long long career...

--Mr. Belzberg

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Griffin Creek Elementary 2/22/2012

Today I taught the 4th graders. Very well behaved grade that really was simply awesome. I really liked how they responded to directions and their initiative to stay on track and focus. They were diligent and very respectful.

We did mostly math today. Focused on multiplication and geometry. I enjoyed it and I'm looking forward to tomorrow teaching. I really like the staff, students, and school more and more each day I'm there.

I hope to stop bullying any chance I get. The steps are simple, tell the student to ask the other student to stop. Have them walk away. If that doesn't work than the student should tell a teacher. This added tool in my bag will help me stay out of trouble and quell any wrong doings in my class. Be assertive and positive is the key.

Until the next day...

--Mr. Belzberg

JDH 2/21/2012

Today I was at the lock down facility where the students are basically in jail. This type of teaching is drastically different than teaching at a local high school. The students remembered me from the last time I was there before Christmas. I was glad to see many of them and I assume that they were happy to see me considering they don't get to see new faces very often.

We did some grammar and watched Invictus. I started a new strategy where I have a hang man game and trivia on the board when they enter so that they can get going on something that requires a group cognitive activity.

A great day!

--Mr. Belzberg

Monday, February 20, 2012

Central Medford High School 2/17/12

Today I taught Social studies...the greatest subject of all time. The students were making posters about population. From what I gathered the assignment was to make a poster about a picture or graph that displayed some sort of connection to population. Some students used political cartoons while others used food supply vs population. Many of the posters were great and the students seemed to really like the assignment.

The other assignment was for the students to create their own power points about a u.s. national park. Again, the students liked this and since there were enough computers for each student the plan was excellent. I enjoyed this assignment because it allowed for me to really help students one on one.

Teaching at an alt school is very different than at the "regular" schools. Students behave different, teachers have different expectations, and the "feel" of the school is very different. With that said the students and staff are very similar with other schools. The students want to learn do their work and move on to the next grade or graduate. The teachers want to help and inspire and whatever way they can they will achieve this.

I enjoy this type of atmosphere because the student to teacher ratio isn't to overwhelming and the students need more help than the other students at the local high schools. I'd be happy tow work with whatever group of kids I'm assigned too..

--Mr. Belzberg

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Hedrick Middle School 2/16/2012

The unexpected day of teaching social studies. A surprise call at 6:30, the gig of subbing is always being prepared to teach any school day. I have found it challenging, but good days and bad days come randomly. Today was a half day which seems the school day is cut short.

Today the lesson was about learning about a Chinese invention. All sorts of topics like gun powder, paper, porcelean, and the abucus. Many other inventions I knew nothing about were studied. I helped one student make a lot of progress. Any time I can help a student achieve I'm following the path of success that was laid before me. I couldn't be more pleased with teaching. At other times I couldn't dislike it anymore. A challenge that needs a clear mind and an enthusiasm that must be brought or else the impact that could be made is diminished.

Farewell until tomorrow,

--Mr. Belzberg

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Hedrick Middle School 2/14/12 and 2/15/2012

A great couple of days teaching. I realized that I had forgotten so much about singing and chorus. I loved singing in the chorus when I was there age and I see how much thwe students have in the periods I taught. The focal point while I was there was valen tunes and bonse aba. The two combined for a wonderful teaching experience. I was very pleased with how much respect I demanded towards the end with the elementary school students. The middle school was lead by a student teacher who didn't know much about classroom management. Not to sell him short. When I was doing my student teaching I was fairly bad as well.

The mini concert went ok, they didn't listen as well I wanted them too but truth be told if I was there age and I had the choice of listening to a sub sing and play guitar in which he was good at best I would have chosen the other choice which was talk to my neighbor. Its all good and in the end maybe forcing them to listen would have ended worse than a talking audience.

I liked teaching chorus but the truth is I would like to teach social studies. However, if they offered me a teaching job doing something I was unfamiliar with I would take the job. Still crossing my fingers for a full time position soon.

~~Mr. Belzberg

Monday, February 13, 2012

Hedrick Middle School 2/13/2012

my first time teaching a full day of choir. However defining teaching is a hard term. Did the students at Hedrick learn much. Possibly, did the students learn much at washington....perhaps. the students in the morning played keyboard for me and seemed to have fun. One fact I found was if the students are loud and wild. To me this means they are having fun. The best learning happens when students are having fun. Not my favorite, but its about their learning and thus the balance between what I can handle and how much fun they can have with upholding respect.

The three classes were great. One aspect I noticed was the two teachers that had control of their students were very well behaved in the choir class. The one teacher who was dis~organized, her students were the least well behaved. She forgot to even pick them up when it was time. A great classroom needs a great teacher. Set the bar high and continue to meet it yourself and the young ones will follow.

The junior high was not as much hands on, just monitor while the students watched a video. It was great that many of the students left to go and sing valen tunes to their classmates. The more singing the better in my opinion. If I walk into a social studies class the more history and geography I can teach them about the better for them.

After all, the best teachers make the focus about the students...student centered.

--Mr. Belzberg

Thursday, February 9, 2012

McLoughlin Middle School 2/9/2012

Teaching Algebra and Pre-Algebra. Very different then teaching about the Cold War or the Civil Rights Movement. I found it refreshing and I enjoyed it. The content is so simple and right or wrong. I always really liked doing math and solving problems in any subject. The only problem is many students don't find the content very interesting so its a challenge to motivate them.

Today we were doing problems dealing with slope-intercept form and equations that look liked 2x+16=6x-12. Very easy compared to calculus, but very hard for beginning variable learners.

The most humorous event happened today, I was telling a student to re focus and get back on track when out of my mouth flew a chunk of saliva and it landed right on his cheek. He was very upset and I told him that I would give him a jolly rancher if he called even. He accepted and even though it was super funny, I felt terrible about it. Days of teaching can be so simply funny. Its like a gross thing, but he might remember me as the sub who gleeked on him.

The Alegbra class was like an honors class. Very easy and focused. I thought it was terribly different. The class was on track and focused. Getting their attention was easy and it felt like easy living. The other classes with all the trouble makers were a challenge. They talk and talk and hate to give their attention. Its all part of growing up and even the gods remember their youthful days of rebellion.

I was very happy with the day and I always enjoy teaching more and more. Remembering how bad some people have it in the world really makes me appreciate how grateful I'm to be doing what I'm doing.

--Mr. Belzberg

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Griffin Creek Elementary 2/8/2012

A different type of subbing job than usual. I was covering a special ed classroom with only 9 students and 2 extra aides. A lot of help and at times its very needed. I really enjoyed being able to work one on one with many of the students. I gave a hand wherever I could, but it seems at times to easy. I like it and I can't complain which such a nice set-up. Compared to farm work its soft. Physically of course. Mentally it is very demanded. I might not be sore at the end of the day, but my mind is exhausted.

We did a lot today, art was the highlight. We painted masks and that was super awesome. It was very pleasant to see the students lose themselves in art. I was even given the chance to paint. It made me feel like a kid again and at times that is the best part about teaching.

We did a lot of math and one on one work. We did reading at the end of the day and I felt like the lunch room was way better than previous ones I have been in. If a teacher loves their job then it shows, if they aren't into it then it wont be enjoyable and wont make the individual very happy. Granted there are good days and bad days.

I really like my old elementary school. Funny thing today, I messed up on the pledge of allegiance. The part where its "under god, indivisible with liberty and justice for all" I said indivisible first. I'm a knuckle head, I laughed at mysefl and anyone who else would have thought it very hilarious.

--Mr. Belzberg

Hedrick Middle School 2/7/2012

What a day today. The little ones the previous day and today it was junior high school students. The young men and women I worked with today are beginning to form their identities. A huge part of growing up is how you fit into the world and how you define yourself.

The first part was SSR and advisory. The students watched a video of a few of their peers singing. A great song, the only thing is they chose an uncle kracker song that is about sleeping with another mans wife. Not the greatest message, but sometimes its all about the song.

The rest of the classes were all either Algebra or Pre-Alegbra. I taught very little about math, but I did tell a few stories about looking ahead and also taking life one step at a time. Seemed Ironic I met a student who hurt himself on the bunny hill which is the beginning level. This philosophical ideals are never a panacea for life. They are just guidelines.

I told a story about when I was in junior high and I skateboarded. It was good and enjoyable a few of the stories I told, one including the bees on the orchard were entertaining at the least. Maybe they learned something. I hope!

All in all a good day, some of the students were a little nit picky and mean at times, but 7-10 times they are super nice. Part of the job I guess.

--Mr. Belzberg

Monday, February 6, 2012

Griffin Creek Elementary 2/6/2012

Teaching the youngest group thus far. 2nd grade, a very great group. The beginning of the day was all about reading. The subject of course was frogs. We learned all about frogs and what they ate. Some great stories were told about frogs and what type of knowledge the students had of them.

The next part of the day was P.E. the students were able to run around and play dodge ball. The lesson today was about playing fair and being honest. I think many students might have taken some heed to those lessons.

After P.E. it was off to lunch and a great pbj and an orange.

Next we watched a video on George Washington and Abe Lincoln. The stories were great and a very important topic of study due to presidents day coming up this month. I enjoyed the video perhaps more than the students.

Then it was off to recess, after they came back we did a math assessment, which was awesome. It was the quietest it had been all day and the principle walked in and was very pleased. My lucky day. After the assessment we played bingo and it was a bit wild. Other than that it went great.

Then off to recess again, the last part of the day was spent writing in their very own journals. The students like that and I can understand why. Before we all left the students did some buddy reading. You can never read enough...

A great day and I could still do so more and teach better. The more opportunities I get the more I will improve. I enjoy teaching, I really hope that I answer the same in 30 years.

--Mr. Belzberg

Friday, February 3, 2012

Central Medford High School 2/3/2012

Historically the students who follow the rules and uphold the laws get good grades in school and are successful in the classroom. How does that translate into life? I know that those students are the ones who don't need much help, but the students who break the rules and are unable to keep with the laws need much more help.

Central is an alternative school. A place where students can receive a second chance. Do I think this is total bull shit, a little. Whenever we dumb down a group we sell that group short. We should demand more from those students who have struggled. Generally in my experience, mischief and trouble come when the learner is bored. I can only say that we need every student so engaged and focused that the option to fail isn't even a possibility.

Not to sound like I'm standing on a soup box, but we need to teach lessons in school. Get students to think about life in a holistic way. What is each student interested in...that riddle will open the door to truly intrinsic learning. Find where themotivation is and bridge that with the content.

Whoever said learning ever stops...

~~Mr. Belzberg

Thursday, February 2, 2012

North Medford High School 2/2/2012

A huge boost for me occurred when I learned I was teaching social studies. The lesson today was a video about the children in Uganda. This film was called the "Invisible Children" this film was an eye opening documentary. I was extremely surprised at what I witnessed was happening in Africa. I couldn't believe that children had lifestyles that were so drastically different than we Americans have. A huge discrepancy in how rich our lives our and how impoverished thiers are.

I couldn't hammer into the students the key theme the video had which was how lucky and grateful us Americans are. I think an under tone of the video was most likely to help and support what's going on over there. The question I was hopeing for was, how can I get involved and help.

As teachers our goal is to shape the youth to lead lives of warmth and success. To be well rounded and prepared citizens. This LRA in Uganda was doing the exact opposite. They are trying to destroy the youth with violence and overwhelm them with fear. I think anyone who helps stop this evil is doing the righteous thing.

A new for me was a student who left in the first 10 minutes of class and didn't come back until the class was over. He was gone for over an hour. This student missed out on a huge lesson and a great video. I feel sad to say he didn't get to see such a crucial issue that is happening in the world we live in.

Until I teach again.

Mr. Belzberg