Saturday, December 29, 2012

Holiday Break 2012-2013

december comes to a close and january starts very soon.

as the new year starts and the second half of the scholl year nears i realize that im extremely lucky and blessed to have a job for the rest of the year.  even though im temporary, im having a great time and learning so much.  i hope im able to get a teaching job that is permanent and i get to stay at the same school long enough for kids to have kids and they will be in my class.

as i approach the end of the year i reflect on the hard work i have put in and knowing that i will need to put in even more effort to give these wonderful young minds the ability and skills to be successful and make huge gains.

i expect to make a huge impact on these great seventh graders and llok forward to working with them more.

to make a difference for the leaders of tomorrow is the reason, to help these young people choose harmony and peace over violence and hatred is a huge purpose for all us parents and teachers.

Sunday, December 16, 2012


This week at McLoughlin...

This week has been a very doleful week.  There has been two major shootings in the news around the country.  One in Portland at a mall.  The other in Newtown Connecticut.  A very harrowing one in Connecticut, 20 children die and 6 teacher and the mother and shooter dead.  A very surfeit of darkness in the world these last year. 

As the last week of school comes and then we head on into the new year we find that no student and no teacher is completely safe from malice to others.  I feel unhappy with the gun laws and think that there needs to be more restrictions on gun laws.  They should not let individuals get that kind of gun power legally. 

I do not know what to expect with the last week coming and the questions that are going to come from youthful curiosity.  I will try my best to offer the message that president alluding too tonight in his speech.

"Kindness can do no wrong" Barack Obama

Continue to love and be kind to others.  Always try to love each other and never forget that our earthly pursuits will all fall short and one day we will not be on this Earth.  We hope to do as much encouragment and spread as much love we can in our short existences.

I end tonight to say that we as teachers make the biggest impact and if all else fails, teach students to be kind and love one another in a caring and sensitive way.

--Michael Belzberg

Wednesday, December 5, 2012


Dear Blog,

It has been since the summer that I have last created an entry.  In the last half year a lot has changed and happened.  I have finished my first head coach soccer job and been rehired for another season.  Currently working full time on a temporary teaching assignment for the rest of the 2012-2013 year.  My goals are becoming a little more possible.  Still not achieved, but closer.

I'm hoping to continue to learn more.  I have just finished a 1 credit technology class.  I have also completed a English seminar which was very enjoyable.

Some bad news, failed 5 teacher exams, but failure isn't in the act of the low score, its in the refusing to try again.

I plan to take the test again and pass.

In the meantime,

Continue learning and finding out that I knew less before I started learning, and that the wisdom is not in the knowledge accumulation, but rather in the lesson: The more you know, the more you understand you know very little.

--Mr. Belzberg

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

8/7/2012 Test Day

Econ and Gov:

You are to look at as many classmates blogs as you can and summarize them.

For each student's blog you need to:

1. Write the dates of each post
2.  Summarize what the main idea of each post was about.
3. Do you agree or disagree with each post and why.
4. Once you have read at least 4 posts and done steps 1-3 for them, move on to another classmates blog in class.

Hint: you might have to ask your classmates what their blog is called so you can read them.

Monday, August 6, 2012

8/6/2012 Econ and Gov Blog questions

Econ 8/6/2012

Each response needs to answer the question completely and in a complete paragraph.

1. What is economics? Define macroeconomics and microeconomics.

2. When does economics knowledge come into play in our society? Can it be helpful for you, why or why not?

3. Who should learn about economics? Explain why?
4. How does economic knowledge change?

5. Why would anyone need to know what are current global economic condition is?
6. Explain inflation vs. deflation and who wins and losses when they occur?

7. Can you create a scenario with supply and demand within a business and explain it?

8. Why are taxes important, why is it important for us to spend?

9. Can you explain how each one of these concepts leads to the next and why, high prices, low demand, debt, bankruptcy, unemployment, low supply?

10. You must either choose A or B

A. Read two economic articles and summarize them.

B. Write a page about how much you have learned in economics and what you still want to learn.

      Gov 8/6/2012

Each response needs to answer the question completely and in a complete paragraph.

1. Go through all ten amendments and define them, explain what the mean, and create a scenario in the world where they would come into play.

2. What are the three branches of government? Explain who is in each branch and what they do?

3. Discuss checks and balances what they mean for our government?

4. What was the Great Compromise?

5. What are natural rights?

6. Without looking at the internet, how many presidents can you name?

7. Pick either A or B and answer.

A. Read two articles and summarize them. (make sure to cite where you got them).

B. Write a page reflection about all that you learned in Government.

Monday, July 30, 2012

7/30/2012 Last Touches to Essay



Today you must post your works cited and your cover page.  This should not take too long.  With the time remaining you have two options.

A.  Revise essay and all its components.

B. Begin preparing presentation that is due on Thursday 8/2

Remember that you have two days after today to be completely ready to present.  You need 4-8 note cards and a visual for your presenation.

"Develop a passion for learning. If you do, you will never cease to grow."

Anthony J. D'Angelo

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

7/26/2012 Rough Draft Due

7/26/2012 Thursday:


Today your entire two plus page rough draft is due.  By the end of the period you need to post your entire rough draft to your blog. 

Miniumum 2 pages double spaced posted.

After you finish your rough draft you can begin working  on your works cited page and your cover page.  Then go back and revise your paper.  Make sure there are no grammer mistakes or any other convention issues.  All your ideas should be organized well and the paper should be error free by the due date.  The due date is a week from today.

After you finish all the parts of the essay you can begin preparing your presenation for 8/2/2012.

You need a visual and note cards fill out.  Follow the assignment handout for any questions.

Let me know if you need any help...

Happy Learning!

Tuesday, July 24, 2012


Assignment for Wednesday 7/25/2012


At this point your research should be close to done and your focus/thesis statement should be concrete.  You should know exactly what your going to talk about in your paper and your outline should be done.

        Topic ---- Should be done
        Thesis ---- Should be done
        Outline ----Should be done

Today you will post the first page of your essay.  A rough draft of the first page is the target for today.  You will need to make sure that your draft is posted to get credit for today. 

Post the first page of your essay

If you have time you can try and finish the entire two page essay.  After that compile all your sources and begin working on your works cited.

Good Luck and ask questions about any part of this assignment!

Monday, July 23, 2012

7/24/2012 The "BIG" Essay

7/24/2012 Blog


Go through all these, then post on your blog

1.    You must state your topic

2.    You must write your thesis statement

3.    You must generate an outline

4.    List two sources that are cited correctly using either MLA or APA

5.    Post this on your blog and continue working on your formal essay.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

7/19/2012 Comic Book Reflections


Today you will post a reflection about your comic books in your blog.  Answer the questions fully and then post on your blog. 

--Also--Copy and paste your blog post to the bottom of this post.  Click on comment and post your answers.  (You must post your answers twice today, once on your blog and once on Mr. Belzberg's).

1. Who did you work with and what was the title of your book?
2. What were aspects of this project that you really liked (at least three things)?
3 What weer aspects that you didnt like (at least three things)?
4. If you were to do this again, what would you suggest be different?
5. Tell me what you learned from doing this project (at least a paragraph).
6. Rate this project on a scale of 1-10 (1 terrible 10 loved it).  Where does this project rate and tell me why.

Great Job and Post!

Monday, July 9, 2012

7/9/2012 articles for blogging


Read this article

Answer these questions and post on your blog.


1. What is Identity theft?

2. Who is the organization who protects consumers from identity theft? What is there strategy to fight against identify theft?

3. How does the FTC tell consumers to Deter thieves? (hint – there should be three ways they recommend to help consumers)

4. How do consumers detect identity thieves?

5. What should you do if think your identity has been stolen? List all 4 steps in your own words.

6. After reading and thinking about this article do you think you have a better idea of what to do if you encounter a identity theft situation?

7. Do you think this will ever happen to you?

8. If this does, will you know how to stop it based on all that you have learned?

9. Find 4 key terms in this article and define them. (pick words you don’t know)

10. In your opinion was this article helpful?

Read the article
Answer the questions and post on your blog.
Socialism vs. Capitalism

1. What is the title of the article and who is the author?

2. Why would people think capitalism is morally unjust?

3. In socialism, who runs the society?

4. Who were two of the greatest defenders of socialism?

5. Find a quote and discuss it

6. How come there are winners and losers in capitalism? What separates the winners and the losers?

7. What is an entrepreneur?

8. Does socialism infringe upon our freedoms?

9. Does the author think the U.S. is entirely capitalist?

10. Does this author support capitalism or socialism?

11. Write your opinion about which is better Capitalism or Socialism and talk about the pros and cons of one.


Wednesday, June 27, 2012

6/27/2012 A new blogging day


Read the article and answer the questions in your blog.

1. What is paying “lip service”? do you think technology is important for developing countries to have? Why or why not?

2. Do you think developed countries have an obligation to help the developing countries (3rd world), why or why not?

3. Define what Summit is.

4. Why would a nation need more capital (money) to boost their economy? Why would they need other countries for that?

5. What is going green? How does it relate to the economy?

6. What is Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and what is the current U.S. GDP?
7. What was the big success for developing countries according to Puri?

8. Reflect for a page about your feelings of developing countries receiving aid from developed countries. Do you think it’s fair? Should the world be equal in their GDP? How do you feel about third world countries borrowing from first world countries? Is their risk in it for 1st world nations? What would you tell third world nations if you were a first world nation? (one page).


Skim the Magna Carta, U.S. Constitution, and John Locke and Government. Then answer the questions.

Magna Carta

U.S. Constitution
Your job today is to look at two documents. You may find them very long and difficult to understand. Don’t get stuck on any part too long. You are to find as many comparisons with the U.S. Constitution and the Magna Carta as you can.

1. Find 10 comparisons from the two documents

The second part is to find as many differences in the two documents as you can.

2. Find 10 points to contrast with the two documents.

The last part you are to reflect on both documents.

3. What is your overall understanding of both documents? Do you think a lot of laws and rights from the Magna Carta carried over to the U.S.? Why was the Magna Carta such an innovative document? Why was the U.S. constitution so innovative? Take 5 quotes from the U.S. constitution and explain their importance.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

6/26/2012 assignments for this wonderful Tuesday

6/26/2012 Econ and Gov assignments

Econ - Finish budgets

Extra Credit assignment (5 points)

Read article and pick 7 of the blog questions to answer and post on your blog.

Gov -

Read the article and answer the questions in your blog and post when you are complete.  If you can't find all the answers in this one article, use google to search for the answers.

1. Find 5 aspects of the Roman government that were different than the current U.S. government.
2. Find 5 apsects of the Roman government that were the same as the current U.S. government.
3. Find 1 similarility and 1 difference the Greeks had to the Roman and U.S. governments. (4 total answers for this question).
4. Of the three governments which one is the best, ok, and worst one.  Explain your reasoning with examples.
5. What amendments from the U.S. government pertain to Greek and Roman governments.

Additional articles for more information.

Extra credit blog questions:
1. Discuss the who, what, where, when, and why of the article
2. The major theme or main point this article is getting across to you is….
3. Do you agree or disagree and why.
4. Can you find a counter-argument/another argument to this article? After you read it, which one supports your beliefs more?
5. What did you learn about reading and discussing this article?
6. When you leave this classroom, in three sentences what will you take with you from this article?

7. Make sure to double check all your responses in your blog for punctuation errors (spelling, commas, periods, run-on sentences…)

8. Go to Mr.Belzberg’s blog and send him an email upon completion of blog post.

9. Read two-four other blogs from your class.
10. Comment on at least two blogs. Let them know if agree or disagree, but be respectful, you will be graded on your comments as well as your own blog posts.

11. Find 10 keywords and define them in the article you read about.
12. Write 3 questions you have after reading.

Monday, June 25, 2012

6/25/2012 Econ and Gov assignments


Econ - Finish budgets

Extra Credit assignment (5 points)

Read article and pick 7 of the blog questions to answer and post on your blog.

Gov -

Greek government questions with article
1. Did the Greeks only have democracy as a government structure? If not, what were the other governments? 
2. Who were not allowed to participate in the democracies in ancient Greece? Is that fair, why or why not?
3. What was ancient Greek democracies like? how were they different than the U.S. democracy?
4.  Were the kings/tyrants always bad? what would you have been like if you were king?
5.What was Sparta's government like? Give some details.
6. Why was Macedonia different? What type of government did they have?
7. Accroding to Aristotle what was the best type of government? In your opinion, what is the best type of government and why?
8. Pick 8 vocabalary words and define them.
9. Post answers with questions on blog
Extra Credit (5 points)
Read article and pick 7 of the blog questions to answer and post on your blog

1. Discuss the who, what, where, when, and why of the article

2. The major theme or main point this article is getting across to you is….

3. Do you agree or disagree and why.

4. Can you find a counter-argument/another argument to this article? After you read it, which one supports your beliefs more?

5. What did you learn about reading and discussing this article?

6. When you leave this classroom, in three sentences what will you take with you from this article?

7. Make sure to double check all your responses in your blog for punctuation errors (spelling, commas, periods, run-on sentences…)

8. Go to Mr.Belzberg’s blog and send him an email upon completion of blog post.

9. Read two-four other blogs from your class.

10. Comment on at least two blogs. Let them know if agree or disagree, but be respectful, you will be graded on your comments as well as your own blog posts.

11. Find 10 keywords and define them in the article you read about.

12. Write 3 questions you have after reading.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

6/21/2012 ECON/GOV

ECON - Creat your budget

Government - You must create our own constitution.  meaning you need your own Bill of Rights and any additional amendments you need for your people.  You must create a nation that lives by these rules.  You must answer all these questions and post in your blog.

1. What is your nation called?
2. Where is your nation?
3. How do you rule the people?
4.  What organizations do you need to keep order?
5.  What will the penalties for breaking the laws in your nation?
6. What will be different in your nation vs the United States?  What will be the same?
7.  Explain scenarios in which your people will have to follow your laws.
8.  Decide which type of government you have...Democracy, Communists....ect....Then define that type of government.
9. How will you manage your resources?
10.  How will you conduct your foreign relations?
11. How will you balance your power within the government?
12. How will you stop corruption within your society?
13. Why will your society be more successful than any other in the universe?

If you have time GOV or ECON.   Read this article:

--Mr. Belzberg

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

6/20 articles and assignments for ECON/GOV


read this article, make sure you read the entire article.  When you read the first part you must click on the read more to finish the rest of the article.  It is fairly long, but its a great resource.

Then pick any of the 7 questions on your sheet and first write them in microsoft word.  Then copy and paste your answers to you own blog and post. 

You will not recieve any points today until I can check your blog post off.  Meaning, when there is 10 minutes left you must begin posting on your blog so I can give you your points you worked hard for.

Happy Blogging!


I want you to first finish the Cyber Bullying article that many of you did not get to yesterday.  Remember to read all the pages and think about the 1st amendment right.

Finish this article and pick any 5 questions from the blog question list on your paper or from my blog post yesterday then write down your answers into microsoft word.  After you have all 5 done copy and paste to your blog post and publish/post.

This should take you half of the period and the other half you need to read the next article and do the same, pick 5 questions and do the same for the gun control article.

Happy Blogging!


Both classes should be at the stage of having a blog with 2 blog posts.  To get your points you need to post in your blog!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Here are the articles that need to be read for 6/19


Savers punished?


1st amendment

Cyber bullying and freedom of speech

Questions to consider when writing post:

Blog article question sheet:

1. Discuss the who, what, where, when, and why of the article

2. The major theme or main point this article is getting across to you is….

3. Do you agree or disagree and why.

4. Can you find a counter-argument/another argument to this article? After you read it, which one supports your beliefs more?

5. What did you learn about reading and discussing this article?

6. When you leave this classroom, in three sentences what will you take with you from this article?

7. Make sure to double check all your responses in your blog for punctuation errors (spelling, commas, periods, run-on sentences…)

8. Go to Mr.Belzberg’s blog and send him an email upon completion of blog post.

9. Read two-four other blogs from your class.

10. Comment on at least two blogs. Let them know if agree or disagree, but be respectful, you will be graded on your comments as well as your own blog posts.

11. Find 10 keywords and define them in the article you read about.

12. Write 3 questions you have after reading.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Griffin Creek Elementary 6/6/2012

Yuck, that is the word that comes to me when I awoke this morning. I felt so sick the last day of subbing. I tried to cancel and find a sub for the sub, but they couldn't get one until over an hour into class. I was teaching 2nd graders and it was great. The kids were kind and by the time I got rolling I was fine. The students were awesome and I really was sick. Thus when the subbed came in for me I knew I would get rest. My day ended early, but when your sick, your sick. This is my last blog post about subbing for the 2011-2012 school year. It has been a ride and I have learned a tremendous amount. I'm pleased with my dedication to this profession and my commitment to blog about each day. I subbed over full days this year and I couldn't have been happier. Good news...I landed a summer teaching job from June 18th to August 9th. 8 weeks and economics and government are my two classes. A great warm-up for the full time thing in the upcoming school year. I'm excited to begin the next phase in teaching and ready to take on new challenges that present themselves. I bid farewell for this year and will keep updates coming soon. GO TEACHERS WHO PURSUE KNOWLEDGE, VALUES, AND JUSTICE! THE JOB NEVER ENDS! --Mr. Belzberg

Hedrick Middle School 6/5/2012

Teaching physical science once again. The great part about this class is I know most of the students and they know me. I had a great time watching them take their final and did a lot of reading of Andrew Jackson's biography. Very mellow and quiet. Teaching can be so easy and so difficult. Depends totally on what the lesson and the activity is. A good mix of both is crucial for learning. --Mr. Belzberg

McLoughlin Middle School 6/4/2012

The last week of school and everyone knows. The lack of focus by the students is something that teachers try to battle. I think I was unprepared for teaching this last week. The reasons are not that important, but since this is my blog I intend to share. 1. My student teaching ended May, thus I didn't observe the last week as a teacher. 2. My expectations hadn't changed. The atmosphere changes and everything gets lax. Knowing those two aspects would have made my life a lot better the last week, so I learned once again and this was a great experience. Next year I will be prepared and know what to do. The class assignment was for the students to discuss books with peers. I had a stop watch and monitored there time for each group and discussion. Watching the clock so that the students are in check. the only thing missing was a whistle. --Mr. Belzberg

McLoughlin Middle School 5/31/2012-6/1/2012

Teaching English is awesome. The issues that concerns me the most is that I have taken the LA test twice and both times come up short by a question or two. The third and final time should be a huge opportunity for me to pass it. Today in class the students were watching a movie and finishing up a test. Very simple, yet these two days were the hardest all month. The students refused to do what was asked and all had bad attitudes. So many issues had arisen and in the position I was in, helpless to say the least. There was nothing I could do and didn't have the backing to change anything. These two days I would like sooner to forget then anything else. On the other hand, a learning moment about what I don't want to happen in a classroom. The students took control and my lack of decisive discipline in the beginning created a student controlling atmosphere. Student centered, but teacher led is best. At the least, I learned... --Mr. Belzberg

Hedrick Middle School 5/30/2012

What a day. Teaching physical science to 8th graders. The classes were great. I handed them a worksheet and a textbook and then monitored, helped, and communicated with the students. Hedrick would be a great school to work at everyday. Perhaps that offer could come my way. The greatest part about middle school is the age. They are still elementary, but soon to be high school. There is the kid feeling mixing with the adult feeling. I think its a great time and what a better period for learning that one such as that. --Mr. Belzberg

Griffin Creek Elementary 5/29

Teaching 5th graders on this day was a surprise. I was given the task of taking the students down to the creek and letting them identify bugs and try and figure out how old the tree were by counting the rings. It was a great day for everybody who was not in trouble. I was very happy with almost all the students. One boy glued onto me and we went through all the activities together. I had a great time and as always wanted to spend more time with these great young people. --Mr. Belzberg

Friday, May 25, 2012

Hedrick Middle School 5/24+25

Teaching social studies to 8th graders for two day is a step in the right direction. Not only is it my speciality subject, but the students are well behaved and insightful. I was very happy with what the teacher planned. Although on Friday we spent the entire time watching a film. Which is great, the only problem is you see the film 5 times. As a student you can always review and learn so it was great to see the stock market crash of 1929 Hoover dam, Mt. Rushmore, Joe Lowis, and the end of the great depression. I learned new things each time I saw it and was happy with how the day went. Survival stage in where I'm at. Hopefully by the time I have my own class I will be at the master teaching stage. This week is up and now only two more weeks of school. If they do select me to teach summer school it will be a great opportunity. If not then I will be on the farm. Until next week, Mr. Belzberg

Griffin Creek Elementary 5/23

Teaching 5th grade is always fun.  The group in this specific class is very difficult.  Also, the student teacher is not very bright.  He wastes his knowlege on petty lessons and I feel as though they should have been tougher on him. 

Now with the positive.  I was able to talk to some students that I spent a little time with last time I was there and it was very pleasant.  Always a pleasant surprise when students welcome you back and are happy to see you.  Looking forward to going to teach everyday was a theme for me this week and I think it was a great one.  Trying to remember that I might not be teaching kids again until the fall is a bitter sweet deal.

Looking forward to the break though,

Mr. Belzberg

Monday, May 21, 2012

Central Medford High School 5/21/2012

Teaching art today. The most calm and stress free day subbing ever. The class sizes were small. The students knew exactly what to work on. The music was playing everyone was doing art. A very fun class to teach. It was almost to easy. I couldn't believe how fun teaching art is. Granted I wasn't really teaching all that much today. It was more like monitoring and hanging out. Sometimes you get called in and you feel like its the hardest day ever and other days are like what today was. Simple, easy, and not a whole of much. The joy of subbing is great, but I have no control over what each day will bring. Would I choose this or a full time teaching job. I would definitely choose to have my own classroom and be with the same kids day in and day out. Soon it will come and this subbing thing will be a thing of the past. With that said, each day brings new challenges. Sometimes those challenges are hard or expected, but they are all something that we must face everyday and make the best of what the class brings. --Mr. Belzberg

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Hedrick Middle School 5/18/2012

P.E. today. The first time I have done P.E. all year. I have taught 100 days and this is the first time I've done P.E. I have done, English, Math, Science, Social Studies. All of the cores. Music, Library, Art, and others that I can't think of. P.E. is awesome and very different. I got to act a little louder and tougher because P.E. teachers are generally a little different. I'm excited to know that there are only 3 weeks left, but I'm really hoping I get a full time teaching gig for next year soon. My theme for today was to stay away from drugs. I told four stories in health. Two success stories and two not so great. I think the students listen to both, hopefully they try and not make mistakes that others before them have made. "I believe the students today will make better decision than the ones yesterday" --Mr. Belzberg

McLoughlin Middle School 5/17/2012

Today I was teaching math to one of the hardest teams at Mac. Every time I come to teach this specific team I'm surprised at how talkative and tough they can be. Normally, I come in full of energy and use enthusiasm to manage and teach. However, today I was tired and unable to really give the energy I normally give. They were next to impossible. My first mistake was that I should have sent a few students to another class. They stayed in and as a result chewed me up and spit me out. I wasn't happy and didn't feel like I was as effective as usual. The lesson wasn't that great either. It was statistics and not a lot of fun math. Just compiling data, not my idea of a good time. With all that said I was lucky to be subbing and enjoy going to Mac. --Mr. Belzberg

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Hedrick Middle School 5/15/2012

Teaching math today! I had enjoyable day until 6th period. The students in that class talked more than any other class I have ever been in. I couldn't get the students to listen to directions or listen to anything for more than a minute. What I learned from that experience was that I need to be extremely brief with directions and lessons for that period. Also, entertainment and motivational speech is needed to get those students to be engaged. If I'm ever to teach a class period such as that one I will most likely come full game. --Mr. Belzberg

Central Medford High 5/14/2012

Teaching the transition students is very different. A unique experience that was filled with excitement as well as challenges. I was pleased with how much growth the students have made since I have taught them in the fall. I'm extremely happy with much of the subbing I have done this year and with only 4 weeks left I still haven't landed a full time teaching job. I'm hopeful that it will happen soon.

5/10/2012 and 5/11/2012 Hedrick Middle School

Teaching at Hedrick has been an awesome experience this year. I have enjoyed watching the students I have met grow and learn. As much as I want to say that I want to teach in a high school. being at Hedrick would be an awesome opportunity and I would gladly teach there full time. Teaching special ed and English. However, any subject I would teach and be grateful! Until next time --Mr. Belzberg

Central Medford High 5/9/2012

Teaching Language Arts. Failing the test a second time gives me a bitter feeling about teaching this subject. However, the class was spent monitoring the students in the computer lab. Many of the students spent a lot of talking and very little work. I like the students as always, but want to see them trying harder. No major issues. --Mr. Belzberg

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

North Medford High School 5/8/2012

Teaching math,mainly pre-algebra.  I enjoy math.  The lessons are all easy to follow because the style of math teaching is very straight foward.  Demonstrate then let the students practice unitl they are at mastery.  I was pleased with many of the students work ethic and ability to stay self-motivated.  The students who choose to get the most out of their time tend to be more successful in their learning.  I was very pleased with the school.  Last time I was here it was cold outstide and since the school is mainly set up outdoors it wasn't as pleasant.  Now coming in May when the weather is wonderful.  This school is extremely beautiful.  Getting the head soccer coaching job has really brought some excitement and looking forward to getting a teaching job soon is the goal. 

Until next time

--Mr. Belzberg

Monday, May 7, 2012

Hedrick Middle School 5/4/2012

In a familiar social studies classroom teaching about the civil war. Specifically the students were looking at the Gettysburg address. What I learned...there are only 267 words, 10 sentences, and it only took 2 minutes. Of course many leaders have given short speeches. Has any president in history given such a short, profound, and most famous speech...I don't think so. Abraham Lincoln's speech was amazing and the man who spoke before him, Everett something, spoke for 2 hours and many people cannot even remember his name. The basic lesson was be short and to the point at times. A reason, no its simple enough. --Mr. Belzberg

Crater High School 5/3/2012

A second day in the Renaissance Academy. The great part about this school is there are two teachers working with one large group. I found subbing very easy. Yet, I would have liked to take the lead both times. Of course with the regular teacher in there, I was not given the chance. The classroom can be mentally competitive. Finding your voice as a leader in a classroom is difficult to attain and yet its harder to know when exactly is the right moment to take control. In the class the topic was Middle East and the students were reading THE KITE RUNNER and learning about the culture as well as all the other components that go with that region of the world. I was engaged, another great day! Mr. Belzberg

Hedrick Middle School 5/2/2012

Today I was at a special ed resource room. I met many students and small class sizes. The greatest part of the whole day was we were learning about the civil rights movement and what took place. The students read a play that was interesting, but the round robin read was difficult to understand the article. If the readers are all high level and paying attention comprehension is attainable. Otherwise students continue to forget what part they have. Still its good practice and it is necessary for students to engage the text. How a teacher chooses to do that depends on his or her style. Also to note, a good teacher would only use one method to get students to learn. A great educator would use multiple styles and methods to enhance learning. Crater tomorrow! Mr. B

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Crater High School 4/30/2012

Today I taught in Central Point. It was a very different experience yet similar. What the content was is something that all social studies teachers enjoy. the topic was Islam and its history. The lesson was planned excellently and was very knowledgeable. However, my biggest criticism is that there was no skill be taught. The students learn a new skill or how to do something new. The class was basically and informational lesson. Here is the information and you do what you want with it. There was little student lead activity or learning. The class was teacher lead and all the knowledge was given by the teacher and the class was very teacher centered. I thought it was a great example of direct instruction. I was impressed and pleased, although I would have done things much different. Great day and I even ran into students I knew from soccer. Its always better to have full day's subbing than half days. Until next time, Mr. Belzberg

Friday, April 27, 2012

Griffin Creek Elementary 4/27/2012

I was amazed at how smart many 3rd graders can be. The amount of knowledge and smarts some of those kids have. The students learn more and more everyday and are amazing to work with. I'm astonished every time I walk into a class and the students have grown and learned as much as they have in such a short time. I couldn't be more pleased with all the students and there improvements. A wonderful group of third graders who I'm excited to work with and see again. In the future I will be more brief and only say what needs to be said. BREVITY... Mr. Belzberg

hedrick middle school 4/26/2012

Today I was a science teacher, but ended up watching student power points about serious issues that are going on in the world. I was amazed at how great of a job many students had done on there power points. They accomplished an extrodinary feat in only two weeks. High expectations yield great results. I was very pleased with the effort of many teenagers. The other period I was in charge of computer science which is an amazing class and will benifit students immensely. Awesome day and I always enjoy seeing what kids are doing and accomplishing. Until next time, Mr. Belzberg

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Hedrick Middle School 4/23/2012

Today I was the librarian. I checked in books and checked out books. The one major lesson I learned was before I thought the books made the library the place that it is. In discovery, the students who read and learn in the library are what makes that place such an intellectual temple. I'm really hoping to be somewhere permanent soon. --Mr. Belzberg

Friday, April 20, 2012

Hedrick Middle School 4/19/2012

Teaching Special Ed Resource today. Small class sizes with classified help. I was astonished at how smart many of the students were. They cognitive abilities were not very far off from what regular ed classes were doing. Granted the small class sizes and extra help must be a leading cause for as to why that is. A group of students towards the end of the day were extremely interested in dinosaurs and dragons. They were so into it I was quiet and watched thier imaaginations soar. I was very pleased that they were so into something. Dragons and dinosaurs might not be math and science, but at least the students are motivated and excited about something. If a math teacher was to create a word problem with dragons in it that would definitely captivate thier interest. If a science teacher could talk about environments and ecosystems that dragons might have lived in, you know they would learn about those key terms and concepts. Have the student write a story about dragons. Whatever the students interest, the teacher can mix the content in. If I was working more with those students that is what I would do and I think many of the teachers have caught on around here. A great day and one behavioral issue. I had a student push another student during passing period becuase the student who got pushed touched the other students stuff. I don't think anyone was seriously hurt, It was not a great sight to see. I was informed later that day, the student who did the pushing was suspended for one thing or another. Tomorrow at Hedrick again and teaching science. Respatory systems are very important to know about when looking at living beings. --Mr. Belzberg

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Central Medford High School 4/18/2012

A great half day of senior english. One great thing happened today. A student came in and told us he had just finished his last assignment to graduate. He commented that the tip I gave him weeks ago helped him succeed. That felt great to hear and I couldn't have been happier with that. Teaching at its best....

The second aspect is while working in the class I devised a discipline policy. Basically how I will deal with behaviors and what the consequences will be. I plan on making a huge impact on the shifting not target behaviors to ones that are acceptable. A goal that requires effort and personal discipline.

--Mr. Belzberg

Mcloughlin Middle School 4/17/12

Learning how to make a difference is important and how to do it in a way that is fun is an even more of challenge. Sometimes its easier what's you get rolling.

The lesson today was about finding the main idea in text using a formula. Topic + Details/what is said about the topic + Purpose = Main Idea. Simple enough formula that requires concentration and effort. The one take away point I could take away is when teaching IROTCIM I could make a smaller lesson for each letter. Essientally creating unit on the reading stratigies. Give one day for pre-test and one day for post- test, also include one strategy a two lesson. A full ten would make a great unit.

Lots of great learning and oppurtunities to succeed and help others.

--Mr. Belzberg

Hedrick Middle School 4/13/12

An awesome day that ended with an interview with the North Medford athletic director. A possible coaching and teaching at the high school. I'm ecstatic! If this is where I end up for the next 30 years I would be extremely grateful. I can't wait to embark on an opportunity that will surely be the most challenging and rewarding experience I have under-taken. With support and determination I should be very effective.

Until next time

--Mr. Belzberg

Griffin Creek Elementary 4/12/12

A wonderful day. Griffin creek is away a blast. Im extremely lucky to have the opportunity to sub as much as I have. In reflection of today my hard work has really paid off when it has come to the effort I have put in. Students, teachers, and staff really get to see when an individual makes a great effort. I feel as though the old saying, you reap what you sow is true. Put in more and you will get more out. I was teaching for the second graders today and they were great. Very little but smart and potential is endless.

--Mr. Belzberg

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Central Medford High School 4/10/2012

How to understand why a student chooses to fail is difficult to accept as a teacher.

With that said it is so much more complicated than simply choosing to fail. I think poverty can impact a young persons ability to suceed. Choatic family life. Disabilities...

However, does that mean if the chips are stacked against them they will lose. A student who has to start playing cards with only ten dollars opposed to fifty dollars doesn't mean they will lose. The student with the disadvantage will have to be more concentrated, more focused, harder worker, more trying. They must because if they don't they will not have a chance. They cannot hold themselves to the same standard as the affluent. They must reach for the higher standard. I believe this to be true.

A half day at central left me with these thoughts. Its hard enough, an individual must give more and indulge less in order to have a chance.

Goodluck to all the students...may they never settle for less than their potential.

--Mr. Belzberg

Friday, April 6, 2012

Griffin Creek Elementary 4/6/2012

Third graders, but not the usual. A different group of third graders. This group was much better than I saw them in the fall. They are very social and have minor behavior issues. However, if they are not changed then those little issues will become major ones when they enter the secondary schools. I'm concerned with a few students who need more attention and encouragement, yet with such big class sizes how can a teacher will make a big enough impact. Worth mentioning is that the teacher of this group has done a fantastic job, if the teacher had half as many students the improvements and growth would be probably twice as great. As sad as it is to see class sizes enlarging it is also sad to see populations reaching 8 billion soon. They need more schools and more teachers which means more teachers. As a substitute looking for a full time position I would like to see more schools and more jobs. However, in order to accomplish that the state needs more funding which means more tax money that most families don't want to give. I cannot blame them, but in order for our youth to be successful and thrive in a difficult world they will need more attention and a better education.

Reduce class sizes would be my main issue with schools today.

What I'm very happy about it is it's Friday and that means no school for the weekend, but for me it doesn't matter becuase I have to work tomorrow as well. If I could get a summer teaching job and still work the farm it would be an awesome way for me to save. I'm looking forward to applying and doing interviews this spring. Maybe land a teaching job close to where I live. I'm full of enthusiasm for teaching and I'm ready to begin working with same school and students on an every day basis. If its in the cards then it will happen.

I will keep my head up!

--Mr. Belzberg

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Griffin Creek Elementary 4/4/12

Today was the first day back teaching the same third graders I worked with before spring break. I know these young people and they know me. I enjoyed teaching them today and was bummed it was for so short a time. Hopefully I can get a longer sub gig or get a actual contract. Getting to be in the classroom is an opportunity that cannot be over looked. Every time I walk in a class I have to make sure to think first, what do these students need. Secondly what are they interested in. Lastly how can I teach with enthusiasm that links the students interest and needs with the content.

A difficult task ahead.

--Mr. Belzberg

Central Medford High School 4/2/12

The first day back after spring break and I couldn't be happier to be coming back to work. Social studies is always my subject of choice and I was able to teach. I showed the students irotcim while using Vietnam as content. The other two periods were spent doing posters about corporations. I enjoyed this day and I thought that it was difficult to really make a huge impact in a day. When the day comes where I get to have my own classroom I will be given the opportunity to really get to know the students and really teach some great concepts and skills. Until next time

--Mr. Belzberg

Griffin Creek Elementary 3/23/12

The last day of teaching the third graders for the three week long term substitute job was today. I was blown away by how smart the students demonstrated. They performed with there best efforts on tests and all that was asked. Behavior seemed to trickle down as the days got closer to spring break. It was extremely pleasing to teach that group and I'm excited to check in on that group.

--Mr. Belzberg

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Griffin Creek Elementary 3/22/2012

Third Grade
8 hours

A very precarious day. Things were uncertain and very distressing at times. If some serious events happened that I feel not so happy about. Although I had no action in the bad events that happened. A few of my students were misbehaving and I feel as though I was totally oblvious. I'm not happy about it, but on it will not destroy how I feel entirely. A mistake by students that I wish would not have happened.

class went well today and the students earned cookies. They will most likely be rewarded tomorrow and it should be a great day!

Go 2k

Mr. Belzberg

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Griffin Creek Elementary 3/21/2012

Third Grade
Total time: 8 hours

Today was the big day for the lesson I have planning called food through culture. The students were excited and so was I. We basically discussed how each region had different food for various reasons. One station was Africa where the Millet which is a drought resistant grain grows there. Its is specific to this region becuase there is not a lot of rain and thus they grow millet there. In China I had tofu which was a meat substitute for many buddhist who are against eating me. The tofu is rich in protein and tastes like meat. In New Zealand Kiwis are grown there and it is a very intersting place to grow consider the Kiwis were not started there orignally. The Kiwis are mass cultivated there for richer countries to enjoy. A bit of colonial history. In peru they cultivate Cacao which is very bitter and what many of us eat mixed with butter and sugar. This crop is more commonly called chocalate. The cacao was very valuable and traded for other crops and goods. A source of money or way to standardize the way things were wieghted in trades.

I learned today that all of the work I have done these last three weeks will not help me in improving my chances in gaining an elementary endorsement. However, whatever is not gained in one way is gained in experience. So thus, it will all work out.

--Mr. Belzberg

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Griffin Creek Elementary 3/20/2012

Third Grade
Total time: 8 hours

Another great day, however I was not expecting as much off behavior as there was today. The teacher was definitely right about how students begin to act different the closer they get to spring break. I’m going to give them the math assessment tomorrow or the next. I think they are ready and I’m hoping that the teacher won’t have to re-teach much if at all. Reading has been going great and many students will be taking the test early because they are leaving for vacation early. Tomorrow is art and I have a fun shape cut and paste assignment that a veteran teacher gave me. the principal is coming in to observe in the afternoon and I will be planning a special social studies activity.

I’m going to have four stations with a different food in each. The food will be specific to a region of the world. For example, New Zealand – Kiwi. In each station there will be an excerpt they will have to read and make observations, answer questions, and think about. I’m very excited and I’m hoping it will be successful.

I also made sure that I would not include any raisins or peanuts in the food.

Kiwis – New Zealand
Tofu – China
Starfruit / Mango – S. America
Couscous - Africa

Hope everything is great, the students mentioned Angus today. :)


Monday, March 19, 2012

Griffin Creek Elementary 3/19/2012

Third Grade
Total Time: 8 hours

Class was very different today. There were 5 students absent. The class was very quiet and much more manageable than normal. We did number corner and I’m planning on giving them that number corner exam Thursday or Friday. Reading groups were great. Spelling test and Math was great. Due to Oaks there was no library time so we played a math game. I was very pleased with the science assignment and for journal time I had them edit, what they have been writing.

What a difficult task to teach young people how to think and behave... A task that has to be reflected and approached in a problem solving way over and over again.

--Mr. Belzberg

Friday, March 16, 2012

Griffin Creek Elementary 3/16/2012

Third Grade
Total Time 8 hours

The end of a great week. I was finally able to speak with a specific student's mom. She came in to do homework folder and I think we made some progress. I’m hoping to make changes in his behavior in class. If his mom can help then the chance for success will increase. many students were amazing today. The whole week she behaves above and beyond. One studentis doing everything that is asked and more with no complaints. I’m enjoying being a part of these young peoples lives. I think it has been very rewarding and I’m so grateful for this opportunity to take over while you were gone. The students still really miss there normal teacher and continue to ask when she is coming back. The parents are asking about the main classroom teacher. Everyone misses you and wants her to come back. There is no substitute for that kind of love.

Get well soon!

Michael Belzberg

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Griffin Creek Elementary 3/15/2012

Total Time 8 hours
Third Grade

Today was another great day. I had many students demonstrate successful behavior and academic work. I was pleased at how the reading went. We finished up much of the packets and watched the community video. A great lesson. Math was exciting, we learned about congruency before music. Music was sweet. Social studies was Time for Kids again which was enjoyable. We did a debate, many students like it, but others might not have. I’m uncertain how they liked the activity. Journaling went fine.

I had a great time today and many things went well. I think the students were a little nervous about their first debate. I enjoyed it, the next time we do it, we will be better becuase we lacked the comfort level with it due to not doing anything like that yet.

Tomorrow I'm thinking roll plays again and I will figure something out.

Until tomorrow

--Mr. Belzberg

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Griffin Creek Elementary 3/14/2012

Third Grade
Total Time: 8 hours

Best day thus far was today! Intro went very well and students were awesome in number corner. We did partner measuring objects in the room and once they had the length and width they were to find the area and perimeter. Reading went smooth with Mrs. A and Tara. The students had time to work on the leveled reader worksheets and most if not all turned it in and did a great job. Math was awesome we did a subtraction game and it seemed to motivate them more than normal. I followed the session 10 closely, but used a game instead of what they had. Art was a lot of fun for all the students. We built paper sculptures and everybody was happy with no complaints. Social studies was what we did for the last part of the day. Short day which meant lots of going over plans.

No major behavior issues. The students got enough points for a bubble gum party during read aloud. The students earned it and they have been doing splendid thus far. I'm encouraged with how well they can do and I'm going to be expecting great learning the next week and half.

--Mr. Belzberg

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Griffin Creek Elementary 3/13/2012

Third Grade
Total time: 8 hours

Today was another great day!

We started out the same and nothing out of the ordinary happened other than instead of going to the library we had joined another thrid grade teacher for P.E. because we went to the libary yesterday. I’m having a great time thus far. I catch myself teaching to a different audience at times. At times I think they can learn like high school age students until a student asks me how pretty her four leaf clover is. These little guys are a joy, and keeping them focused and busy is a challenge.

IROTCIM Lessons continue!

We are keeping up with in math and in reading.

--Mr. Belzberg

Monday, March 12, 2012

Griffin Creek Elementary 3/12/2012

Total Time: 8 hours
Thrid Grade

I took home all the work the students did last week and graded all of it except for the comprehension test. I couldn’t find the answer key so I was unable to get that done. Many students are not turning much in. I’m concerned and want to change that. I’m hoping to get much more work turned in this week and the following week. I will have a print out of all the assignments with the grades and percent’s for the teacher when she return.

A great morning. We started the day discussing turning in work and how excited I was to see them all again. We did number corner and have done a great job keeping up with that. Reading went very well today. Each group rotated and I was unable to finish the level readers with both groups. I found the decodable and will have an extra assignment for that group on Wednesday. Reading aloud was excellent and math has been up and down. I’m only on session 8 and trying to keep up has been a challenge. I will continue to work through each session and try to get the students to learn deeper rather than shallow. I don’t want the teacher to come back and have to reteach, I’m hoping that the teacher will be able to move forward when she gets back. Library was fine and Junior achievement went great. We did science this afternoon and that was enjoyable. Great day.

A couple tantrums were thrown by male student today during reading and a staff member wrote him a referral. I was planning on doing it as well and I think it was the best course of action. He has been crying and throwing tantrums much more than any student his age should. He seems to not like having consequences for his misbehavior, which is the result of any misbehavior. I will continue to work him and I’m planning on calling his parents tonight.

No major issues other than that.

I’m looking forward to another week and really like the story this week. Hope all is well with the teacher I'm covering for and that she is feeling better and improving each day.

Michael Belzberg

Friday, March 9, 2012

Griffin Creek Elementary 3/9/2012

Total Time: 8 hours
Thrid Grade

Looking forward to grading this weekend. I will try to get it all setup for the teacher who I'm subbing for when I get back. Hopefully in piles and have it super organized so that when she comes back the work will be easy to sift through. What effort grade they get, and what number grade they get and so on and so forth. I plan on taking all the work they did and giving them a typed out grading summary that they can give to their parents and for them to look also. My question is, should I give them that typed piece of paper with their scores and their grades or should I give them back their work graded and keep the typed paper with all their grades and summaries. Either way I want to keep something that shows you when you get back what to put into the grade book and something for each student to take that shows them and their parents how their doing.

I had a great day today. I was thinking about how to best teach the 2nd steps and nothing jumped out at me immediately so I bought 6 milk cartons from the cafeteria and told them that if they can do a good job with their skits that I will chug a milk. They seemed to like it and it was fun. Test went well and math was great. I won’t really know how they do until after I grade all their tests. So I hope they are all high scores.

Number corner, reading, math, P.E. health, and journaling all were great today. It was an awesome day and very enjoyable to teach.

The whole day was quick and was over before I had a chance to reflect.

What a great week has come and gone. I'm excited to continue to work with this group for another two weeks.

--Mr. Belzberg

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Griffin Creek Elementary 3/8/2012

Total time 8 hours

Today we started out very strong. The intro went well and number corner was great. I had the students pair up and they went around the room with a ruler and a piece of paper and measure objects in the room. Looking for the width and the length so they could find the perimeter and the area. Reading went well. We finished almost the entire packet and went over some phonics. I think the students are ready for the test. I’m crossing my fingers they all will do great. Read aloud has been awesome. Hank is keeping all of our interest. Math was ok, I think many students are still figuring out the symmetry. Hopefully by the end of tomorrow they will have mastered symmetry. Music was great! Lunch is always good. Social studies went well and journaling was great. I let the students go outside so they could journal. We shared and wrote in the sun. They all seemed to really enjoy it.

Many students are reluctant to do work and I really want to change that. I'm continually encouraging them and it can be very exhausting. I hope they can learn to be self-motivated soon.

Things that went well was the reading and socail studies. I hope there is science tomorrow because that was the best lesson we have had thus far. The group and partner work we did was a blast. The students like to talk and work together. The more partner work I give them the better they learn and develop their social skills. After all school is more than just cognitive growth. It is also social growth and also the learning needs to be focused on the students. Student centered is key to a successful classroom. I hope to see great learning and improvements while I'm here.

Until tomorrow,

Mr Belzberg

Until tomorrow,


Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Grffin Creek Elementary 3/7/2012

Total time: 8 hours
Thrid Grade

Another wonderful day teaching the third graders!

Today was a short day we let the students out an hour early for various reasons. I started the day off with the song and the warm up. The students seem to realy enjoy the music and schedule of today being broken down. Warm-ups have been going good. The behavioral issues that happen have been taking place in the morning time. I hope to change that sooner rather than later. The reading time was very beneficial, we read stories about Japanese culture and traditions and customs of East Asia. It was very facisinating. I thought the intrest level was high and the students seem to really concentrate when they are interested in the content. Read aloud was awesome, Hank the Cowdog Has been a great story so far and I througly enjoy reading those books. Math was like art today. The students built snowflakes and tried to figure out symmetry by couting the flakes up. I thought it made math very fun and not dry or boring. I handle the boring math very well, but most people really dislike it. Science was the last subject we learned about today. Ecosytems and Habitats, discussing living plants and animals. Non-living things in the ecosystems. A great way to end the day.

Things that went well, Science went awesome becuase I was enthuasastic and motivated. The students seemed to follow when I lead with pace and purpose. Reading was a bit slow and at times almost completely froze. The way to fix that would have been to gain some momentum. Pace is very critcal for intrest levels to remain high and students to be engaged. If its to slow then it will be boring. If its to fast than students will get too frustrated. A balance is needed for optimal learning. I think the math combined with art was fantastic. The students really seem to do an excellent job when they get to create. Learning symmetry through art was extremely smart and I enjoyed it.

I struggled with reading becuase of the lack of pace. I also had a student kick another kid, this was dealt with very sternly and quickly. This caused a major disruption that needed a consequence.

Until tomorrow:

--Mr. Belzberg

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Griffin Creek Elementary 3/6/2012

Total Time: 8 hours
Grade 3 Elementary

Knowing almost every one of the student names from when I subbed last xmas for this class enabled me to skip meeting many of the students for the first time. Learning names can take a long time. However, I had already done that so it was just review today. The lessons were organized and fun today. I have a total of three weeks and this was the first day of the first week. I'm excited to expierence teaching this great group.

Many things went well. The number corner and introduction was great. I played guitar while I sang the agenda of what we did today. The students really liked me singing the schedule. The reading went very well as well. The students were very squirmy though. I will have to find a way to make it more entertaing in the future. Math was unlike normal math becuase we wrote poetry. Knowing more about poetry would have made that assignment a lot better. So much to learn, so little time. Social studies was great. My favorite part. I had each student do a timeline. The timeline needed 7 events, with pictures, and dates. Great assignment and it was a smash.

I would change my pacing for the reading of Suki's Kimona. The lesson today was embracing your uniquness and celebrating being different. I would have hammered that theme in a little more if I had the right focus. Next time I will concentrate on the message of the day more. I would also have a quote of the day up on the board next time.

A great day and I hope to have more like it. Contining to improve and get better at teaching will be a life long process.

p.s. the discipline model was very effective. The triangle classroom managment was excellent. I need to remember to demand perfection and keep improving how it will work. Remembering to use it and monitor at all times.

--Mr. Belzberg

McLoughlin Middle School 3/1/2012

Teaching social studies!

I was able to teach once again the subject that I studied in college and the one I chose to get my teaching license in. We talked about the Frontier and Manifest Destiny. It was awesome. to explain how great the students were would be to understate how wonderful they were.

I hope to teach more middle school and hopefully get a full time position in that subject at that age level.

--Mr. Belzberg

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Central Medford High School 3/1/12

Senior English is a great course!

All about the senior project. The students knew exactly what to do today. They didn't ask for help and I didn't know the specifics of what they were working on anyway. Today was basically a monitoring day. Making sure they were working, letting them come and go to the bathroom.

I see myself in front of the class, giving lectures, teaching student about deep, life lessons. Not sitting behind a desk letting them know when they can go to the bathroom and when they must come back. I didn't go into this profession thinking I didn't want to make an impact. I went into this field to try and help the youth make the world a better place for themselves and the Earth.

My chance will come, and sooner than I think. Much sooner than I anticipate I will be doing just exactly that and leading a classroom full of hungry minds. I will need to deliver and if I fail, which won't happen, lives depend on it.

--Mr. Belzberg

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

south medford high school 2/29/2012

Esponal ensenar

A great day of teaching a subject I'm midly familiar with. I had a great time and it was amazing at how the students got focused when I started speaking spanish.

Today was a make up day and it was an incredible afternoon. I met so many different faces and some stood out more and others were there, but had other concerns on their minds. I met a baseball player, a skateboarder, a tennis player, a basketball player, a punk. So many different groups coming together to learn a language that was so enriching. I had a great time and I was glad to be back.

--Mr. Belzberg